Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I've posted on the off topic, but I thought I'd give it a go again. This is just for intrest sake.
This past Sunday I was rudely awoken by my dog Mojo, Shi tzu, 5 years old, puking his guts out. I got up and did what I could to help him feel better. Him and I sat for a few min, then he started to go into these coughing boughts. That lasted on and off all night. The next day, Monday same thing, still coughing to the point that the poor guy would throw up. I got on the interent and found out that he had kenel cough.
I phoned the vet, said this is what he has, can I give him some cough syrup? The girl that answered the phone said "oh, I don't think that's a smart idea. Let me get the vet." Nimrod that she is, lol. So I told the vet what was going on, all the symptoms and everything. He said, yup that's kenel cough here's what you do:
Go to the pharmacy.
Get a child cough syrup.
It has to say DM on it.
Then whatever it says to give to children cut that in half.
Give that to him for a week.
All should be well. If he's still coughing bring him in after a weeks time on the medicine.
It's only been two days, Mojo is almost 100%! I only give him the cough syrup twice a day, morning and night. Now that he's almost all better I'm only going to give it to him at night, so he can sleep.
So there's a little tidbit of info for ya's. As for where my poor guy got it, I have no idea! He hasn't been to the groomers, he doesn't play with other doggies, I'm lost as to where he got it. The vet said it could be from anywhere or anyone, b/c I live in an apt building.... Who knows.
There ya go!