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| 2012 | |
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Remedy / Symptom Indications
Arnica / Headaches resulting from head trauma.
Belladona / Right-sided headaches and migraine. Associated symptoms include throbbing pain, reddened or hot skin, cold feet and hands.
Bryonia alba / Remedy for pulsating throbbing centralized near or into the left eye. Symptoms include early morning headaches and dry mouth, disturbed by noise and movement.
China / Headaches resulting from dehydration, weakness or anemia.
Cimicifuga / Migraine and throbbing headache. Symptoms include headache associated with the menstrual period, stiff neck pain, and feelings of gloom or despair.
Cocculus indicus / Headaches or Migraine resulting from worrisome behavior or insomnia. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
Cyclamen / Migraine associated with dizziness, blurred or dimmed vision, or eye spasm. Symptoms include earache, dry mouth or thirst, and weakness. Sensitivity to cold or open air. Emotional upsets.
Gelsemium / Symptoms include headache associated with blurred vision, sensation of tight band or vise clamped around skull, frequent urination, and difficulty holding head straight or opening eyes.
Ignatia amara / Ice pick headaches and stress headaches. Symptoms include back or muscle spasms and feelings of grief, disappointment, or sadness.
Iris versicolor / Treats headaches or migraine that typically comes during the weekend or during rest periods. Remedy for Migraine with aura.
Lachesis / Left-sided Migraine. Symptoms include congestion, hot flashes, flushed or blotchy skin, and heat intolerance.
Natrium muriaticum / Treats pounding headache pain. Relieves stress-headaches related to eyestrain, too much sun, grief, disappointment, or sadness.
Nux vomica / Treats tension headaches, hangovers, toxic headaches from noise or scents.
Ranunculus bulbosis / Treats headaches triggered by weather change (specifically before storm occurs).
Sanguinaria canadensis / Remedy for headaches that are centralized into the right eye. Symptoms include eyestrain, vomiting, and sharp or splitting head pain.
Sepia / Treats headache centralized in left forehead or above left eye. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting.
Spigelia / Left-sided headaches. Symptoms include heart palpitations or other heart issues, stiff neck and shoulders. |
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Hi Carol, the only one i know of is Belladona , i gave it to my kids when they had fever....another one i gave my kids to strengthen their immune system was Echinacia ...they had to take five little balls(globules) to suck on ...nowadays i can honestly say thank God ...they have hardly as much as a flu...luv Orchid |