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Well good morning everyone! It's a early morning for me due to my parents getting a pet rooster from my grandmother lol. The had it sitting outside in a cage right beside my window. He started his crowing 5 in the morning. Mom woke up after I brought him inside. A living alarm clock how wonderful lol. My friend Kimi is scared of birds, so she said she aint coming into our house. Speaking of Kimi she is giving me one of her dog's puppies. She named it Velvet, it's a female and cute as she can be. So yea our house is turning into a farm lol. As soon as I get a camera I'll post pictures. Also I have a question about my guinea pig, Suki. She is definitely pregnant but every since I separated her from her mate Rosco she hasn't been eating much. I put their cages close together so they wouldn't be completely apart but she just won't eat much. She's drinking alot of water though. Was wondering if someone could tell me if that's a sign she's getting close to having her babies... Well gotta run and get ready for work. God Bless Maddie |
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Sad news... I am almost in tears about information about pregnant guinea pigs. It showed that they sometimes have complications during labor and that there is a 20% chance of the sow dying while giving birth. Really don't want to lose my little Suki or her first litter, but all these websites are making me having second thoughts about her having them. Also there's reason to believe that she may have toxemia due to her not eating much. If that's true then it won't be long before she has them, considering it says that symptoms don't occur until the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. Please pray for little Suki and her babies that we don't lose either. Sorry if this sounds kinda crazy but my animals are like children to me. To lose either one would be horrific. Love yall God Bless Maddie |
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HI Maddie, little Suki and her babies to be are in my prayers...may all be well and healthy ...Luv Orchid |
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Aww Maddie (((((BIG HUGGS))))) Will keep your guinea pig in my prayers and send healing thoughts Love and Light Zoe |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 5/10/2007 9:51 PM |
Oh Maddie, Sorry I didn't see this earlier, but my computer has crashed and have little access to others. I have no experience with guinea piggie babies, sorry! To tell you the truth when my dwarf hammie was prego I didn't even know! I actually purchased her pregnant and didn't realize until two weeks later, big surprise that was. When I look back to how she was then and how she is now there is a difference. She used to be very affectionate and loved to be out of her cage, she still likes to be out of her cage but she bites now (I'll have none of that!). She also used to eat like crazy! Mind you she still does that, haha. Oh, you know what I might suggest?! See if she is stashing her food! My female does that all the time, especially when she was pregnant. I would go to check up on her and see she needed food. I would fill up her food dish and not even 20 min later it would be empty! I would fill it up again, and it would stay full for days and days. So check out her home, see if she isn't stashing her food. Keep daddy of the babies away from Momma, I'm sure you know this but he will probably eat the babies, k? Keep us posted on it... Mandi  Sorry if I don't get back to you in a while, I have no computer. I'll do my best to check up on ya's every once and a while tho! |
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