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 | | From:  zengurl (Original Message) | Sent: 1/7/2009 4:11 AM |
I don't to seem like a total loser or complainer but I just need to get this out. My dog is sick she has torn ligaments and cancer. We just found out. My husband has been very sick for over a month, he says he has pressure in his head. That scares me so much. He is going back to the doctor again. He is young and in very good shape, takes vitamins and was going to the gym 5 days a week for years, but not lately. The girl I work with quit over the holidays and therefore I didn't get any training. I feel she did this all on purpose. Everything has been dumped on me but I don't really care about that place. School is driving me crazy. I wrote some exams last night. I just wanted to cry. Physiology was soo hard. The person that observes me is a 3rd year student, she called me and asked how I thought I did. I said horrible and she said she couldn't answer one of the questions and thought it was a terrible exam........ I always felt deep in my soul that my husband would leave me at a young age. Maybe I am wrong but I am getting very worried. Last night as I layed in bed. I felt brushes against my face and the pressure on my third eye. I always ask for protection and report the situation to be checked out because I am unsure. I like to hope that someone was trying to comfort me. Blessings Lynn Lynn |
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Hiya Lynn, Yes I am sure it was comfort hun, I am going through a bad time at the moment and boy are they around me it is very comforting. If you are unsure though just do as you are doing and ask for protection wothout giving off any fear feeling. Be really confident that if it is a traveller passing through then they will move it on. Sorry to hear about your dog I have 2 labradoodles, like children they are to me, I am in awful pain with my back again at the moment and they both know ! very gentle around me. Just know that you and your dog have a special bond that is unbreakable and can feel your healing and loving thoughts too. I think when you have a few things going on it seems to have an anxiety vibration that can make you worry. I remind myself that they actually did a scientific experiment once and it turned out that 97% of the things that the people worried about never happened. I would say that is the same sort of % in my own life too. I feel that you should maybe meditate more for balance. Long walks, girly chats etc, something away from worries. Even if you dont feel like doing it push yourself to. let us know how things go hun wont you. Sending prayers Jacci x |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 1/7/2009 9:41 PM |
Like I had mentioned to you last night, if you can't express your fears and thoughts here, where else can you? I think this is a perfect spot to express your feelings. I hope you continue to do so. I agree with Jacci, girly chats are always a good thing! Too bad that we live so far apart, we could have more girly chats if we were closer. But hey, msn does a pretty good job most of the time. You know I'm just a quick email or phone call away. Meisha is a very fortunate puppy to have such a loving family. Not many animals can say they get treated as well as yours do. She is a very lucky soul to have such a good mommy and she knows it! I hope the doctors can find out what is wrong with your hubby. Science is improving at such a fast rate, I hear new things every day at work. I think it's only natural to fear for those who you love. Just remember, work is work it's not who you are. Go in and get the job done and go home. I've worked with difficult people and crappy organizations as well and it is very draining, but I know you can do it. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I think school has to be difficult, it's how we learn. The more we push ourselves to excel the more we will take in. It certainly wouldn't be worth your while if it was easy. When your done that course, my goodness, you're going to be one heck a certified Massage Therapist/Reflexologist/Reiki Master, lol. That's a mouthful! But it will be worth it. I think you'll do fantastically. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You remind me of me while I was in school. I'd get all upset after an exam b/c I felt I didn't do well. Not enough studying, it was never enough, I didn't push myself hard enough. Then I'd get the grade only to be more disappointed b/c I only received an A-, and not an A+ like I thought I should be always getting. Where in all reality an employer isn't looking at your grades at all, and isn't that why we further our education? For better employment opportunities? It makes no sense for us to do that to ourselves. We're our own worst enemies. I think there are many good things that will come your way, you just need to keep an eye out for them. Take one day at a time, they will happen! Hope today finds you in a better place. Luv ya girl! Talk to you soon, ~Man~ |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/7/2009 11:13 PM |
Dear Lynn, With your husband's illness, could you go more into detail here with what he is sick with? Having pressure inside one's head can be a sinusitis or infection there, too, so I am wondering if there is more of an infection issue. He could have gotten into a secondary type of infection. Is his pain more in the front of his head and just above his eyebrows? Is he going to an ENT doctor or a GP right now? I was able to contact your Spirit Guide Lady, Julie, and she is giving me some of this information here. She says she is told that the level of pain that your husband is in is clearly showing, and it has a lot of "cloudy residual wavelength strands coming right out of the top of his head showing us in Spirit that he needs further evaluation there. They are suggesting him to have either a CAT Scan or an MRI. Having this done would definitely show where the source of the pressure is". As to the dog, I am sorry that he is going through this, and unfortunately there is not a lot that can be done with cancer in a dog if the progression has increased. She also adds: "School is going to be difficult, but remember that the degree is well worth the hardships". I know with what all is combined here with the problems with your husband and now dog, plus work and school, it has with it's combination made the level of sorrow greatly felt and for that she says she is very sorry. Yes it is her who comforts you as best she can and wishes for you to notice with that Third Eye feels the slight pressure. She is widening it somewhat each and every time she is allowed to, which is good. That way you would be able to view her and others in the Spirit Realm. However, right now with your level of discomfort happening emotionally, you might not even want to, she adds. Otherwise, keep in mind that your husband needs to have this followed up with further investigation why he is at this level of pain currently. That also could be where with the sinuses and the bridge of the nose there, the whole linkage may even be within the frontal lobe upper sinus cavity. Check also if there are any types of wavey lines showing up in his vision. That also is a part of the problem with having say a migraine type of headache. Has he complained about strong headaches? She also tells me, "We see a sign of the cross over top of his head right now, and that usually means a type of condition that needs doctor's aid". Please let us know how his doctor's visit goes, Lynn, and in the meantime I will be praying for him. What's his first name? Peace and Blessings, Lilly |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/8/2009 3:18 PM |
Thanks everyone. His name is Ken and he is going to a doctor that cares today. I will keep you updated. I was very sick last night and will keep if updated if I can. Thanks Lynn |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/8/2009 5:24 PM |
I'm so sorry to hear you're sick, too. What are your symptoms, Lynn? I'm praying for you both. Love, Lilly |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/8/2009 5:28 PM |
I think it may of been food poisoning. I am feeling a little better today. Thank you. Lynn |
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Lynn, You are all in my thoughts and prayers. |
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Dear Lynn, Sorry to hear about these things. I hope what I am about to say doesn't sound 'preachy', because its not mean't that way...... What I am about to say, I would also do myself if I were in your shoes. When you are surrounded by problems, problems that have no answer, Rest With God. Whatever you conceive that to be, meditating, just sitting in silence and thinking of God, or sitting by the sea and looking out across the ocean and the eternity of the sky. May be even call upon the Presence of Angels and if you can, say "I accept". The concept of what psychologists say of "float not fight", is a good one. Love & Light, Carole x |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/15/2009 6:19 PM |
Dear Lynn, Hope you are doing much better now. God Bless!! Love & Prayers, Lilly |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/20/2009 7:46 PM |
Thank you. I am feeling much better. My dog did suddenly passed last week. We are very saddened by our loss and so is our other dog. I just finished my midterms and a final as well as a practical exam for massage Therapy. I did very well concidering the stress that I had this past month. Thank you all for the support and I didn't mean to sound so negative. I just needed to get it out. I am a tough one and nothing can drag me down. Life is what you make it afterall and we all have the power to change our own lives. My husband is schedueled for a CT Scan next week. Thank you and Blessings. Lynn |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 1/21/2009 6:33 PM |
Hey girl, I'm happy to hear your exams went well. I think when we're faced a lot of difficult issues and our shoulders feel like we can't possibly take much more weight, our true strength comes into action. I'm glad to hear your hubby got a CT appt so quickly, obviously his doctor is finally taking this seriously. As you know it can take months or years to get a CT scheduled. That's one of very few negatives of our 'public' health care system. I was very sad to hear about your Meisha. She has such a warm kind heart. Like I had mentioned to you, we're the lucky ones b/c we know that when someone passes they're never truly gone. It's her time to watch over you guys, and I know for a fact she will do it well. Give Miss Molly a big hug and kiss from my kids and myself. Make sure to give her lots of yummy treats too! Talk to you soon, ~Man~ |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/22/2009 2:04 AM |
Dear Lynn, I am very sorry about the loss of your dog. My prayers are with you and your husband. I'm hopeful that the CT scan will show much clearer the problem there and will be quickly resolved. Like Mandi says it's good that he is getting the scan done so quickly. Love and Prayers, Lilly |
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