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 | | From:  acoya4 (Original Message) | Sent: 12/10/2008 3:14 AM |
Hi, I have read on one of the boards about Stigmata. I cant find it now and really need to re-read it. Does anyone know where I might find it again? Or anything about thus subject?
Thank you,
Day |
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Thank you so much Lilly. We all have enough to deal with and understand in our search for spirituality, we certainlydon't need any influences from negative or dark spirits that don't have our greater good at heart. . . . Love to You dear. . . . Paul |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/12/2008 12:45 AM |
Yes, thank you Lilly, It does make sense to me now. I have to say that I am surprised that my wish to contact the Faerie realm manifested so quickly. I only wanted to see them, not open myself up to them completely. Yikes! Will things start to manifest quickly now for me like this? If this is the case then I must be very careful because I only want to manifest the light of God and help other's on their path. I want to help others heal so they can be a part of the light. I will be sure to pray for the protection of God before I do anything. I have to say that I did nothing to bring about the Damselfly communication. It was a surprise to be sure. I only wished to see Faeries and the Wah Bam! there she was in my ear so to speak. For the last 2 night's I have been feeling the old familiar feeling of fear again too. Maybe this is all connected.
Thank you, I have a lot to consider on top of being very blessed...
Love to you, Dayna |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/12/2008 1:19 AM |
Also Lilly if you wiil... I would like to tell you about yesterday. While I was taking a shower my mother and Grandmother came to me and asked for forgiveness so that I could move on further with my spiritual gifts to heal. They both explained that they had the gift but it caused serious problems for them so they opted out. My mother became very ill and angry mentally because of this gift and tried to kill me as a baby. I have forgiven her and my Grandmother became very, very influenced by Society and very Puritan in nature and also had a nervous breakdown. All of this because of the denial of these gifts. I have also forgiven her. She was a very cold woman and my mother was a very selfish and angry woman. All because of denial of these gifts. My Grandfather an Ascended Master showed up to tell me he was proud of me. I cried very hard because this was such an emotional connection and contact for me. A very bad nerve problem in my back has been healed because of this bu the way. I have had the problem for years. As I was putting on my make up my face morphed into my mother's, then my grand mother's and then my Grandfather's and his was shined on by what looked like a light. Then I spoke with a cousin who told me she was the wolf that I had been seeing in my third eye. She is a guide of mine. I guess I have no questions. I just would like your thoughts on this and any experiences you can share. 2 years ago I became healed of an Anxiety disorder that I became addicted to drugs from 20 years ago. I no longer need medication. I am a miracle to say the least and have experienced other miracles too.
Thank you, Dayna.
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/14/2008 4:18 AM |
Dear Lilly,
Can these spirits contact you in your sleep also?
I was dreaming and the last thing I remember is Damselfly telling me that she was my friend right as I was waking up. I have to tell you that as I was posting this I hear a male voice that I dont know and I prayed and begged God to send his Angels to protect me. I prayed loudly enough so that I just drowned out his voice. I just did this over and over again Lilly. The voice has left. I feel real shakey and all my energy is gone. Is this the stuff you are talking about? Please hurry.
Love and light
Dayna my head is real heavy. |
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Just a little confused. Doesn't the Bible also condemn us clairvoyants? Love Carole x |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/16/2008 1:51 AM |
I don't know what you are speaking of. I am not well versed in the Bible although I think it is a wonderful teaching instrument. I have learned a lot from the different parts and verses in my life. I do know that regardless of my spiritual levels and gifts, I am a very good person and I have had visions of God and Jesus with me during my meditations and also during the Stigmata event. I have received miracles in my life and I dont think, at least my God does not condemn anyone who wants to use what they have learned from him and use the gifts he gave to them to heal themselves and others so they may become a part of the Light.
Peace, Dayna |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/16/2008 7:55 PM |
Dear Dayna, Yes these spirits can contact you in your sleep. Dayna, I want to mention here about your Chakra System which I am informed is having difficulty. There shows 12 Chakras, both major and minor ones included showing a blockage there. The first through 11th up over top of your head are reflecting a blockage there, yet the 6th Chakra is allowed to have "service" as in being able to be used. The rest are left totally blocked. That is why you are able to see and hear since the 6th Chakra influences both the visual and the audio capabilities. Next to say is that you have been visited by those of the dark as well as those of the light and need to be using what you know to be right and true inside your own feelings as judgment of these Spirits coming to you. In other words, "Discernment of Spirits Category". (Please see 1st Corinthians, Chapter 12, Verse where it lists "to another the ability to distinguish between spirits".) This is really an important Spiritual Gift, as when someone is not capable of distinguishing between spirits they lay themselves wide open to all who are out there in the Spirit Realm and are willing to be playing pranks. Be openly skeptical with all contact at this point, Dayna, till you get yourself "in order", I am hearing. Use common sense. Just because a spirit is willingly telling you that they are your friend, it doesn't mean this is true. If a stranger for example comes to your front door and you answer it, common sense tells you that they are here for some reason that serves THEIR purpose. They are there for a reason and that reason usually is that they are selling something, or wanting something from you. That's just how it is. So be prepared mentally that if you are contacted by a stranger in the Spirit Realm, they are wanting something that serves their purpose first, not yours. Be also cautious about even being contacted by those who say they are a relative, unless you also sense the familiarity wavelength of family relationship also. In other words, if you sense your grandmother, do you feel that same feeling of Yin Energy and warmth from the tonal quality of her voice and energy radiating outwards of it actually FEELING like it is her? Or does it feel weird, strange, awkward, off in some way and vibrating at a tone that is much lower than yours in wavelength? Dayna, what I suggest doing right now since you are having continued issues with spirits is to "get back to the basics". Get involved with a type of cleansing meditation and to do little to nothing to attract spirits with your way of thinking. I would recommend checking out at the local library Dr. Doreen Virtue's "Chakra Clearing" guided meditation CD. Most likely you can check it out for about two weeks or even longer depending upon your own local library, plus be able to renew it a few times. With that being a cost-free way, you could use this CD to listen to and follow her instructions in clearing out each of your major Chakras and then just do only what she suggests. Don't contact spirits, don't get into thinking that this will be where you can "open the door wider" ---nothing like that. Just get back to the first few steps here. Later on if you are willing to and are prepared and mentally ready to, you can continue on with your path, yet right now it just is draining you and causing negative reverberations in your Chakra System and you don't need that. I'm just trying to help you get back to a firm foundation here with good common sense the cornerstones. Then build up from that. Peace and Blessings, Lilly |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/16/2008 8:11 PM |
Dear Carole, In the Old Testament there was some condemnation stated by those writing these books interpreted what these abilities were, yet the Lord often relied on Seers to aid Him with messages. The Lord Himself was willing to have chosen people be His aides. In Exodus, Chapter 7, Verse 1 for example, "And the Lord said to Moses, "See, I make you as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you,; and Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go out of his land". Here the Lord is using two men to be His Helpers to implement God's plan. Plus in the New Testament the Apostle Paul received divine information about Spiritual Gifts and listed information about the "Gifts of the Spirit" in 1st Corinthians, Chapters 12 through 14. Much of the proof of the positive information about divinely given information in the Bible can be viewed in " Biblical Proof of Psychic Gifts". It's just the same as it is with anything new and different that is within our reach though. Take the Internet for example, a wonderful tool and resource for the entire world and now readily available for many; yet there are those who use it for negative purposes as well. It is how one uses these abilities and resources that defines who we are. The same with Spiritual Gifts, it our intention and usage of them that evaluates how we are able to access and ascend within these levels. It's all in how our intentions are interpreted by us and by God which is therefore reflected within our Auric Fields and thus visible to all in the Spirit Realm. Blessings to you, Lilly |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/16/2008 10:44 PM |
Dear Lilly thank yo for your reply and support. I have onvoked AA Metatron, Micheal and Horus to assist me. Also AA Uriel.Last night. In the middle of thr night I awakened to feel energy flowing into my chest and head and AA Uriel stated it was him. I have had "healing Touch" healings and also acupuncture The latter within the last few months. To allow my Meridians to flow more freely. This seems to have been successful. I actually did this to quit smoking in the beginning.
I have Collette Baron Reids Chakra cd and also Doreen Virtues. I had forgotten about them. Thank you for reminding me.
Also when I spoke to my Grandmother and Mother I started to cried because It was very real. What they had to say made sense. This was also the day I had communication with my God and Goddess. At the same time as a matter of fact. Apparently I needed to do some forgiving in order to heal to use these gifts. I also thanked God again. I seem to have a wonderful constant conversation with God now. It is never ending. It is quite nice. I feel at peace as of right now and will cleanse my chakras. I have also enlisted some help from someone who does Reiki. I am tryong to touch all bases here. I never want to feel fear again out of the blue.
I as you intend to use my gifts to help humanity. I am very blessed to have you as a mentor. I need to re read your post and absorb it all.
Blessing to you, Dayna |
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Hi Danya, Hope you didn't think I was condemning you because I certainly wasn't. I have been condemned by Christians because of my gifts, which made me feel very isolated indeed.(Due to what it said in the Old Testament) In fact I always saw a need for the Lord Jesus Christ to be brought into the New Age. It always seemed pretty trendy and hip for people to believe in the Lord Buddha, but so many always pushed the Lord Jesus Christ out and that really hurt me. How dare they belittle Him. This is why I love HFB. I see Lilly as New Age pioneer, paving the way for the Lord. HFB is a very special place and I'm very glad you have joined us. Much Love, Carole x |
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Thank you for your reply Lilly. I have had Christians, quote Scripture to me many times, condemning me, making me feel very isolated. For me 'spirituality' has seemed very natural and it has never 'felt' wrong. You're a lady that knows her Bible well and have often wondered what your understanding was of how psychic people are condemned in the Old Testament. So thank you for your explaination, it has helped. Much Love, Carole x |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/18/2008 6:03 PM |
Oh no not at all Carole. Actually I was a little confused. And then a little scared. But then I realized that we are all here to learn. I appreciate you post because it was the catalyst for me to go to my Fav Spiritual book store and have a oneness blessing. It also encouraged me to pray to AA Micheal for protection, Metatron for healing and to relieve my fear and Horus to open up my spiritual site so that I could see this entity that was trying to effect me. I actually owe you a thank you. Several Angels have spoken to me since your post. AA Uriel came to me during the night and blessed me with light and energy I felt it in my head and chest. I feel very safe now. Thank you and peace to you.
I learned a lot because of your post, Dayna
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/20/2008 1:31 AM |
Dear Dayna, I read your last posting and am wondering if you are saying you invoked or contacted Horus, the one described below from the Wikipedia Encyclopedia listed here? I looked up Metatron and see that he is listed in the encyclopedia as an angel in Judiasm and the Babylonian Talmud. Dayna, with your invoking and calling upon all of these beings it could be where there is a kind of blending of beliefs happening within your viewpoint and that in essence is where you are taking too much onto yourself with so many varied allegiances. It appears that with having your invoking or contacting these varied beings in Spirit, all that can do it create a wavelength of several tones at the same time, or simultaneously. When this is apparent with varied concentrated effort, it could break apart the Wholeness of Self Wavelength which is where your Auric Field is centered, leaving you with an alteration that tips into the higher octave yet dips down into the lower ones as well, since those of the dark dwell into the "Horus Wavelength of the Id Vibration". So in essence the Id becomes a viable connection as well with the person doing this. I really don't recommend calling upon others other than the Lord. When you place God FIRST, then everything else falls naturally into place. Our group here is of the Christian faith, and we are guided by the Lord's Arch Angels who are a part of our group aiding us. With your willingness to contact all these beings including Horus and even a goddess this is where it has lead you into a more pagan-related wavelength and belief system. I don't want to discourage you if that is your aim and all, but Dayna, our group just isn't into lower wavelengths. You can see that overall that the facts speak for themselves with how you are dealing with the trouble that comes upon you and I really think that being of a higher level than where you are at now is recommended. Please correct me, Dayna, if I am misunderstanding your beliefs. Peace and Blessings, Lilly |
 | | From:  acoya4 | Sent: 12/20/2008 4:41 PM |
Lilly, I have learned a lot from you. I am completely of the Light and am irrationally scared ( and always have been ) concerning any lower levels are anything dark. I have always been this way. Because of some of the things you have posted, I have had a Oneness Blessing, prayed to God and have done a lot of research I have spoken with my Angels and 1 HAS COME TO ME AND SPOKEN WITH ME and I felt his energy in my head and chest. I havent asked for any faeries to open themselves up to me or anything from the lower level. I dont even know how to do that. I would never do that. I cant even watch scary t.v. shows. The word occult might as well be a foreign language to me because I know nothing about it. I never want to either. I have a friend doing Reiki on me to up my good spiritual energy to block me from anything lower or bad. I dont know where to go from here for protection except to a priest. I dont feel anything negative around me anymore and I have been told the male voice that I heard was a test from my Angels and I passed with flying colours. I Think this has been a complete misunderstanding between the 2 of us. Thank you for watching out for me though. You have really opened my eyes up to how we as spiritual humans can invite lots of trouble with out even trying. Even inadvertently invite trouble. I will be much more cautious from now on and be sure that of course as always, my motive is of the highest and my intent is the purest.
I am at my daughters out of town so I will be get back about this later. I just wanted to let you know that there is a big misunderstanding.
Peace, Dayna |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/20/2008 9:37 PM |
Dear Dayna, I understand a bit better where you are coming from, and appreciate your explaining it further to me. I was just basically wondering about why you were invoking Horus and Metatron to come to you? I understand that with your being at another house that you wouldn't have time, still when you do have some free time if you could explain who is this "Horus" is and why you would contact him, and if it is the same Horus that I found listed in the online encyclopedia or someone else? Have you had any prior relationship with this spirit being or is this the first time you've contacted him via invocation? Is he a spirit guide to you or something of that nature? I am not knowing a lot about Metatron, as there is very little mentioned about him other than what is said in the ancient Babylonian Talmud briefly about him. I do feel that having not enough knowledge about a spiritual being and yet still attempting to contact them is where I have a concern. That's just really not a safe thing to do. As all thought is heard, it can bring a person into difficulties even though they are not consciously wanting to get into trouble or would consider it as such. I think with your having that quick response from someone in Spirit calling themselves "Damselfly" and then her giving you false information, that if someone else, say a male in Spirit hearing you invoking Horus and Metatron to aid you, what would you be able to do to even protect yourself if you heard male voices telling you that they were Horus and Metatron coming to your summons and they NOT be the actual beings? You see, Damselfly was of Minus 8 in Purgatory, and she was pretending to be this Faerie when you were wishing to contact the Faerie Realm, and she was able to quickly access your mind to contact you. You wrote up above " I have to say that I am surprised that my wish to contact the Faerie realm manifested so quickly. I only wanted to see them, not open myself up to them completely. Yikes! Will things start to manifest quickly now for me like this?" The issue is that they are all able to hear our telepathic thoughts in the Spirit Realm, so that old saying "be careful what you wish for, as you just might get it" is really very true. I'm just trying to give you some considerations here, Dayna, to keep in mind with venturing into any type of unknown journey taken, so you won't get into trouble, that's all. Things do manifest quickly in many instances, and that is the surprising part for many new psychics. I'm trying to understand this from your point of view and only wish to be broadening your vantage point to see further aspects and ramifications here. Psychics don't need anyone else but the Lord to be involved with when they link to the Spirit Realm. God is the "All That Is", the "I AM", and we dwell in God's "Isness" here in this Universe whether we are in the Spirit Realm or here in the Flesh on Earth. So my chief concern here is that even though you are not wanting to be getting into trouble with any unforeseen complications in the Spirit Realm, by asking for Spirits to come and do something for you, i.e. "Horus and Metatron to assist you" THEIR agenda, (Horus' and Metatron's agenda) may not be the same theme or plan, see what I'm saying? With their aid being an "unknown" factor there, calling upon them could lead you into much more trouble than you might have considered occurring. That is why I am mentioning this, Dayna, and not a wise choice with summoning them. Arch Angels are very much in a position to test us as well as do Spirit Guides, so they will use any and every opportunity they see fit to test and give us lessons in our psychic endeavors. Some lessons can be very harsh, and I have seen such tests be very difficult on new psychics. Peace and Blessings, Lilly Peace and Blessings, Lilly |