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"Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it."
Michel de Montaigne


If you could just remember what you saw in my heart
If I could just forget what I saw in your eyes

If you could just remember how special I made you feel
If I could just forget how empty you made me feel

If you could just remember how safe you felt
If I could just forget how frightened I felt

If you could just remember how kind I was to you
If I could just forget how cruel you were to me

If you could just remember how much I showed you
If I could just forget how much you hid from me

If you could just remember how I touched you
If I could just forget how you pushed me away

If you could just remember how much I did for you
If I could just forget how much you did to me

If you could just remember how happy you were
If I could just forget how much I cried

If you could just remember how much I gave to you
If I could just forget how much you took from me

If you could just remember how I made love to you
If I could just forget how you used me

If you could just remember how it felt to kiss me
If I could just forget how it felt to be at your mercy

If you could just remember how much I loved you
If I could just forget how much you betrayed me

If you could just remember how much I made you forget
If I could just forget how much you made me remember

If you could just remember...
If I could just forget...

...from our member Sanewoman  
GRAPHICS BY ©SweetDesign


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