Effects of Abusive Parents For some the question, "Does evil exist?" is philosophical. But for those who've been victimized, there is no question at all. The Difference Between "Sick" and "Evil" By Andrew Vachss http://www.vachss.com/av_dispatches/parade_071402.html "There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots. The other is wings." Hodding Carter, Jr. Handling Abusive Parents http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-20070920-000009.html Adult Children http://www.geocities.com/acoa_webpage/ Andrew Vachss writings on abused children http://www.vachss.com/av_articles.html Reparenting Yourself http://www.coping.org/innerhealing/repar.htm When you Grow up in a Dysfunctional Family http://www.mudrashram.com/dysfunctionalfamily2.html Children's Roles in Dysfunctional Families http://www.joy2meu.com/DysfunctionalFamilies.htm Were You Raised by a Narcissistic Father? http://www.nightingalecenter.com/archive/healing.html I'm not OK when you're Not (by Clinton Clark A resource guide for adult children of dysfunctional families. Common Characteristics of Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families http://acainnerpeace.ncf.ca/charac.htm Bullying in the Family http://www.bullyonline.org/related/family.htm Controlling Parents http://www.controllingparents.com/ Narcissistic Parents http://www.n-courage.net/n-parents.htm N Parents http://www.narcissism101.com/NarcissistsinMedia/ NarcissistsinPrivate/narcissisticpare.html Here is an excellent site about book resources. http://www.controllingparents.com/links.htm How can I save my child? Dr. Sam Vaknin http://samvak.tripod.com/4.html Parents - Dr. Sam Vaknin http://samvak.tripod.com/faq5.html The Narcissist and his Family by Dr. Sam Vaknin http://samvak.tripod.com/faq22.html Dysfunctional Families - Dr. Robert Burney http://www.joy2meu.com/DysfunctionalFamilies.htm Book Review - Toxic Parents Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life http://www.webheights.net/GrowingbeyondEmotionalAbuse/sforward/sftp.htm Co-Narcissism - How we Accommodate to N Parents by Alan Rapoport, PhD http://www.alanrappoport.com/Co-Narcissism%20Article.pdf How to Survive a Parent with Borderline PD (book recommendation) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1572243287/104-3554625-3559968?v=glance Adult Children of Abusive Parents Author: Steven Farmer - book review http://books.reviewindex.co.uk/reviews_uk/0345363884.html Common Characteristics of Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families http://acainnerpeace.ncf.ca/charac.htm
Commandments of Dysfunctional Families http://ministryhealth.net/mh_articles/064_ten_commandments_of_ dysfunctional_families.html
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