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Courtesy of Dr. Sam Vaknin
What is Abuse?

I. The Gradations of Abuse
II. The Guilt of the Abused - Pathologizing the Victim
III. Coping with Your Abuser
IV. The Abuser in Denial
V. Avoiding Your Abuser - The Submissive Posture

VI. Avoiding Your Abuser - The Conflictive Posture
VII. The Tocsins of Abuse - How to Spot an Abuser on Your First Date
VIII. The Tocsins of Abuse - The Abuser's Body Language
IX. The Path to Abuse
X. Ambient Abuse

XI. Abuse by Proxy
XII. Leveraging the Children
XIII. Tell Your Children the Truth
XIV. The Relief of Being Abandoned
XV. How to Cope with Your Paranoid Ex
XVI. Avoiding Your Paranoid Ex
XVII. The Three Forms of Closure
XVIII. Coping with Stalking and Stalkers
XIX. Getting Help

XX. Domestic Violence Shelters
XXI. Planning and Executing Your Getaway
XXIa. Should You Get the Police Involved?
XXIb. Should You Get the Courts Involved?
Danse Macabre - The Dynamics of Intimate Partner Abuse

II. The Mind of the Abuser
III. Condoning Abuse
IV. The Anomaly of Abuse
V. Reconditioning the Abuser

VI. Reforming the Abuser
VII. Contracting with Your Abuser
VIII. Your Abuser in Therapy
IX. Testing the Abuser
X. Conning the System
XI. Befriending the System
XII. Working with Professionals
XIII. Interacting with Your Abuser
XIV. Coping with Your Stalker
XV. Statistics of Abuse and Stalking

XVI. The Stalker as Antisocial Bully
XVII.  Coping with Various Types of Stalkers
XVIII. The Erotomanic Stalker
XIX. The Narcissistic Stalker
XX. The Psychopathic (Antisocial) Stalker

XXI. How Victims are Affected by Abuse
XXII. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
XXIII. Recovery and Healing from Trauma and Abuse
XXIV. The Conflicts of Therapy

These may be of help - click on the links:
Surviving the Narcissist
The Inverted Narcissist - Codependence and Relationships with Abusive Narcissists
Codependence and the Dependent Personality Disorder
The Dependent Patient - A Case Study
Danse Macabre - Trauma bonding and the Stockholm Syndrome
The Cult of the Narcissist
The Narcissist's Victims
Victim Reactions to Abuse by Narcissists and Psychopaths
Mourning the Narcissist
The Three Forms of Closure
Back to La-la Land

The Spouse/Mate/Partner of the Narcissist
Divorcing the Narcissist and the Narcissistic Psychopath - How Do I Get Rid of Him?
Traumas as Social Interactions
How Victims are Affected by Abuse
How Victims are Affected by Abuse - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
How Victims are Affected by Abuse - Recovery and Healing
Narcissists and Personality disordered Mates, Spouses, and Partners
Projection and Projective Identification - Abuser in Denial
Approach-Avoidance Repetition Complex and Fear of Intimacy

Guilt? What guilt?

Narcissists, psychopaths, sex, and marital fidelity

The Narcissist or Psychopath Hates your Independence and Personal Autonomy

I miss him so much - I want him back!

Take care,
Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"

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