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Translation Guide

 "Our language determines how we perceive our world. It IS our mind and our consciousness.
The narcissist, in this respect, is a great social menace."
The Weapon of Language by Dr. Sam Vaknin

"I want the mother of my children to be at home taking care of them while I support the family."
TRANSLATION: This is the line I'm telling to hide the fact that If you're depending on me to take care of you and have kids too, then I'll have a built-in slave to be cruel to who is willing to put up with my abuse and and even afraid to leave me. Then, when you're 50 or so I'll dump you so quick your head will spin."

“You’re the only woman I’m interested in.�?BR>TRANSLATION: I've got lots of targets on my list, but you’re convenient, and you should feel grateful.

“If I had only found you before. Why wait? Let's get married now. We're meant to be."
TRANSLATION: Marry me fast! I’m getting tired of keeping up this false act.

“You’re smart, sexy, caring, loving�?BR>TRANSLATION: Talk is cheap baby. Here, gnaw these bones I toss while I shaft you. Just don't do anything to upset me.

“You need to make a commitment to US"
TRANSLATION : You have to sacrifice yourself for ME, then I can be US.

“I’m different, I'm under pressure, and you have to walk further...put up with a bit more.....but I promise you I’m worth the extra effort and the rewards will be there eventually.�?BR>TRANSLATION : I can’t tell you I’m a seriously screwed-up person and you’re going to suffer cause you’re gullible enough to buy this BS.

“We have something, and you and I both know it. But I can tell you this, I don't like the idea that you would be kissin and sexin other men when you should be here with me.�?BR>TRANSLATION: I’ll use sex to manipulate you. (kissin 'n sexin... yuck). I enjoy using you. I enjoy thinking what a LOVER I am (barf). You’re my toy. Don’t share with other guys. Besides, if I terrorize you and demand you be faithful you won’t know there’s better guys out there. And, of course, I’ll have all the women I can get my hands on.

“Hey baby I haven’t seen you in a while, wanna catch a movie Saturday?�?BR>TRANSLATION: I enjoyed treating you bad and seeing you suffer. I’m a little low on getting my attention fix now and it’s been 6 months so I’ll act like nothing has happened and you’ll come waltzing back.

"I am still yours in my mind and my sweetie better find its way home SOON!!�?BR>TRANSLATION: YOU ARE MINE!!! OBEY!!!

“I love you.�?BR>TRANSLATION: I don’t know what love is, but apparently, it's what I have to be saying to you if I want to continue (ab)using and tormenting you.

“Something you said this afternoon made more sense than anything I’ve heard before.�?BR>TRANSLATION: If I say this you’ll think I’m finally ‘getting it�?

“When I'm bad you get nothing, absolutely nothing�?BR>TRANSLATION: When my mask comes off you'll finally see how egotistical and hateful I really am.

"I'm not a material person, I believe in the sanctity and commitment of marriage."
TRANSLATION: I'll get everything I want, when I want it. If you want something it better be for me.

“You deserve far, far better. You're the kindest most warm person I have ever met and I know that you'd do anything for me.�?BR>TRANSLATION: I should have employed more subtle tactics. You were right up at the top in terms of quality NS, you gave in so easily.

“The thing that hurts me most is that you feel that I have been faking.  Nothing could be further from the truth.�?BR>TRANSLATION: You’re catching on now. How dare you rip my mask off!

“C’mon sweetie, it’ll be fun, everybody’s into this. Just lemme tie one wrist, OK?�?BR>TRANSLATION: I need to beat you senseless to get my rocks off.

“I really hope you find someone who deserves your love.  That person was never going to be me.�?BR>TRANSLATION: I'm sort of realizing that maybe, just maybe, you're cutting off my N-supply. Here, let me plant these poisonous words in your head, just in case I try to tap your source later on when I'm in a dry spell.

“I want to say I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused.�?BR>TRANSLATION: Saying sorry is easy, see? I can do it too! I don't want to damage my supply source too much, I went overboard this time. Keep those illusions alive baby so the doors will open for me and I can feed off of you even more. You know, that's the game I play. I got some great NS from you, You can't imagine how hard the withdrawal symptoms are.

"I always tell the truth, but other people don't live by my standards."
TRANSLATION: Every word I say is a lie, and you'll find that out the hard way.

“I promise never to hurt you again. I know it only brings pain."
TRANSLATION: I bet I only have to say this one more time and you’ll crack and take me back and I can begin the games again. I know I treated you real bad and if you come back for more, I’ll know I’m special.�?/SPAN>

“I’ve told you how honest I am. You know you can trust me. We’ll double your investment in no time. I know a guy, trust me�?BR>TRANSLATION: Say sayonnara to your cash baby. That time I paid you back was the set up for a bigger sucker punch. When you’ve given me your last dime I’ll be outta your hair.

From StoriedRhombus and our member survivors

Graphics by The Inspiration Gallery

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