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A bully is always a coward.
Spanish Proverb

A conversation I had with my narcissist's
ex-wife motivated me to write this.

She's helping me slay the monster
that has outposts in my mind,
what a wonderful
gift God has sent me
to find someone so very loving and kind. 

We were sisters
brought together
in a moment of truth,
to fight the psychological battle
which there's no other proof. 

Her beautiful spirit validates me
about your
insidious little game,
your sudden shifts in behavior
that made me feel insane.
Your twists, turns, and changes
puzzled us and shook us to the core,
to search
within ourselves for solutions
of the things that you abhorred,
but it's a
reflection of your sickness,
a part of the diabolical game,
proof of your
own inadequacies
that almost drove us insane. 

She and I were unsuspecting
in your sad little chessboard life,
what a powerful rush it must be
to take spirits, crush them,
and leave them in great strife.
We were both pure of heart and yet so blind,
both left with questions of how
could we have been so wined and dined. 

We promised ourselves never to
fall once more,
but the look in your eye we just couldn't ignore. 
In our
hearts we knew that we shouldn't let you win
but we both hoped for the best
and we let you in. 
Heedless to the intuitions that gave us
clues that you
were nothing but an illusion,
blinded was the truth, we know that now
our hearts were deceived
but, unlike you, she and I are destined to succeed.
You fooled us both with your deception and lies
and your true intentions
you did carefully disguise. 
But our love of life and dreams we shall renew
in the wake of loving a "boy" like you. 
You see my dear you're hollow
inside and what a dreadful place it must be
to dwell, such a tiny little space
that will never know anything more
than residing in the house of Hell.
The words I love you tumble from your lips,
it just seemed so easy for you
to say, but those were merely words my friend
and you failed when
temptation came your way. 
You broke our hearts, but not our spirits,
because you lie and deceive,
but we have the capacity to love again an
emotion you'll never achieve.
You tossed us aside like disposable objects
with no consience or remorse,
but this is just further evidence
that you will forever be stuck on this
pathetic course. 
 You effortlessly move on to the next prey in your pursuit
of happiness but
that's a state you will never attain,
because despite all your
efforts to disguise the truth
you are the one that's truly insane.

From our member " unsuspecting "
following a conversation with her abuser's x-wife... 



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