We're all selfish to a certain extent. I suppose part of that has something to do with the survival instinct.
Hopefully, as we grow (in years and in knowledge) we evolve and move away from the little child who thinks everything belongs to him. Who thinks he is the only person with needs/wants. Who thinks the world was made for him and him alone. I believe little kids think that way. What's a 1-yr. old gonna think? His needs are constantly met by someone else. What's he gonna think?
But as we evolve, we (normal people) learn to give and to try to not hurt others and try to not be takers, and try to be considerate.
It's about evolving. Always.
But if a person spends alot of time sitting around thinking, "What about ME? What's in it for ME? Why does this always happen to ME? Am I going to get what I need for ME?" If these thoughts frequently go through a person's mind, that person could be a redneck. More likely, that person is a narcissist. Or just a selfish, thoughtless person. What's the difference? A relationship with a person like that is going to be misery on top of misery. And you could be laying on the floor, bleeding from every orifice of your body, and that person's first thought will probably be something like "This is very uncomfortable and scarey for ME! This is really stressing ME out! This is a big inconvenience for ME."