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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 1 of 33 in Discussion 
  (Original Message)Sent: 22/09/2008 10:55 p.m.
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 Message 19 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipperSent: 26/09/2008 12:38 a.m.
Hiya Frog - I wasn't going to jump into the original thread, because, like you, I KNOW my mouth is the source of my trouble - hence haven 't TOLD myguys' STBXNW what I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAALLLY think about her.
I was talking with a friend who happens to be Church of Christ - she was going on and on about how I should go to THEIR church - I said, "no organized religions for me, thank you though" - I said I USED to go Baptist and Assembly of God - my churches and their leaders LET ME DOWN. If GOD allows it to happen, I want NO PART OF "church" - tyvm!
I also mentioned to this friend - who despises myguy's STBXNW with more passion than "I" do: I said, "I have 'killed her' so many times and in SOOOOoooo many ways within my own mind and heart - I mean I actually have to start getting REALLLLLLY creative anymore...the mundane don't cut it!" - then we both laughed. My point being, without getting all religious about it - I learned that as one thinks in their heart, then the VIRTUE AND THE 'SIN' of those thoughts is already known, has already "stained." I also told my friend that IF 'imagination' without actually ACTING on said "violent retaliation" IS cause for being sent to hell, then I am already on my way.
I believe in this board and the "venting to remian sane" aspect of it as well as ALL the information we have, and do exchange here - this place IS an OASIS of SANITY.
They say it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round - and WHILE I truly long for the day when every person loves their neighbor and isn't greedy, psycho, proud, envious, lustful, slothful, wrathful, etc - [ I appreciated the post about Galveston GREATLY - amen!!! ] - then all one person can DO IN A DAY, is all ANY person can do in a day.
Keep em (police, daycares, schools, etc) in your corner, especially where the youngun's are concerned - if you HAVE an order - make sure it's ENFORCED everytime it gets violated by one of those N's - every time, inflict as much POLICE on em as you HAVE to - because, they will not STOP in trying to get THEIR OWN WAY, when we ALL KNOW, it's merely a show out of them crating an opportunity for "THEM TO WIN and YOU TO LOSE!"
That's the N's whole game, and they care not about our's all about winning. Most of em don't have the first clue as to how a person goes about raising loving and caring human BEINGS - because THEIR whole gig is caught up in "human HAVING." Having their way, having it "over on someone," having it all until their 'conquest is bled dry and made totally crazy' - well, it isn't going to happen here.
I guess I'm just chattering on - but I've read all the responses here - I agree - we need a place to "work things out for our selves" - and even if a post isn't popular, it's still how you feel
and it's what you need to say - so ROCK IT!

 Message 20 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameAnnieashley1Sent: 26/09/2008 12:39 a.m.
Hey PlumFrog--
Oh! Brother! He is like the Energizer Bunny...He just keeps going and going...Doesn't he? Oh! OH! Good One! He is praying for you? For your Blackheart? I just wanted to bust out laughing. Acting like the Martyr now, is he? Well, it just shows, he thinks nothing else has worked.
I don't know what it was that you said in this post but it reminded me again of you "just floating along in your little innertube and he just grabs a hold of you and pulls you right under" and I started laughing again! It is so absurd...what else can you do, sometimes. I am sorry PlumFrog. I sure hope he runs out of steam soon!

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Sent: 26/09/2008 2:57 a.m.
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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 22 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 2:58 a.m.
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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 23 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 2:59 a.m.
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 Message 24 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameaegiss1Sent: 26/09/2008 3:27 a.m.
Ok, can do!
Rocking onward...
I am soo glad this thread is here. I really am! Ameoba called to let me know he was gonna be back tommorrow evening from Tx. His get-rich plan down there lasted a whole week. I was soooo hoping he would be gone for a year or 5 like previous times! Apparently it was 'uncomfy' being without electricity and getting mosquito bit, and Texans are taking care off themselves!! GBTexas! That's ok, though, he regalled me with his new plan to be a billionaire in 5 years. (I'm not kidding...-billion-aire.) So anyhow, I'm a biiiiiit frustrated and just, well, disgusted usual. He isn't making 500 a month right now but plans to make 500K this year with his newest plan. IF he can con a 'friend' out of 150K for 'startup'. He is in his 40's now, times running out for his 'great success' plans. He can't see that keeping a steady job is preferable to his latest mega-wealth plan. Meanwhile promising my son the world with each new scheme he has. Geez. I've been through this all with him. This is my son's first go round, bless his heart. I swear to god, if he would just live up to what he tells my son he will do I'd be ...well, it would go a long way towards the disgust I feel. But he won't. Having my son around is just part of his new 'spin' to get stuff from other people. It makes me ill!
Plum, I don't know how you do it! I keep hoping and praying for you that the more stuff happens the more you will have the powers that be on your side. I think/hope that police officer asking you what was up is a good sign of things to come. =)
Maybe we should start a 'What will they think of next to drive us bonkers even though we are basically winning and they know it!' Thread..
GodBless to everyone reading and responding,
ps...the religious bs just drives me berzerk! at least with myn their religion is so whacked that they can't use that on me to most folks, cept their own little (It's not a cult, its about 1/10th of a percent away still) :)

 Message 25 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameaegiss1Sent: 26/09/2008 3:30 a.m.
I sincerely apologize for having tried to send mine to TEXAS! =)
and plumfrog,
i sure wish I knew how to get them away from us, yours is the worst i've even ever heard of! HUGS.. remember, you ARE winning. thats why he has amped up his bs.

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 26 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 3:52 a.m.
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 Message 27 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameaegiss1Sent: 26/09/2008 9:46 a.m.
So.... I just wondered...
Can I please, please, get this in a xs size and wear it next time I have to do the visitation thing??? ;)
He used to say to me as he was in the process of abandoning my son and i for the better part of 8 years... "Can't you just keep taking that medicine, things are fine when you do!" I had had to take celexa for extreme post-partum (caused by him and his psycho family) and it 'mellowed' me out. He wanted me to drug myself up and keep tolerating his behavior. I refused. He left because of my 'behaviour". In reality, he had left because my son was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and he didn't want to deal with a son who wasn't perfect. His words. Now my life is going good and he just made the mistake of thinking I was the same person I was 8 years ago and tried to n-tapdance all over my son and my right to be treated decently and I walked. Still have to do the visits...but can't I have a little fun with em??? =)

 Message 28 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameaegiss1Sent: 26/09/2008 10:01 a.m.
Now, to the serious topic of his previous stalking...
Was he convicted? If so I'm pretty sure you can get and carry a copy of that. Having a record -does- affect his ability to play Mr. PoorMeNiceDad to people. Especially people like the police. And ya know, the cops I know (not that there are tons, couple relatives) will pay attn to things a person has been arrested for/accused of too because they know how hard it is to get convictions on some of this stuff... What about, could you get an affadavit from the other woman... A sworn statement = testimony of his prior behavior. I'm sorry if you've written about this and I can't remember if he was convicted or not...
Oh, side thought, if you are at all worried about the smell thingie. Not that it's true. But I'd go out, buy sanitizer for my laundry and keep those damn receipts for his later bitching. Febreze makes an additive you pour in with the wash cycle thats anti-bacterial and anti-microbial... So do a few other brands. Check your local stores. Usually stores other than walmart have better selections. Baking soda in every rinse cycle might be a good idea as well... not cause its needed, but to demonstrate his 'concerns are being addressed' (gag me) you get this stuff and keep the receipts, etc...
Let's see, what else?
Best case scenario would be your smear-proofing yourself on ever bit of bs he spews. -Especially- when you think or know that he is saying it to others, like his "discussing the smell' with the friggin daycare! Oh, and I'd do an 'airing out of the house' on whatever day your neighborhood ppl are out and about to note open doors and windows, etc... make a carnival of it LOL...
Or just tell the sob that as soon as you find all his rancid remains you're sure the smell will dissipate! Ok, that one probably isn't a good idea but dang they piss me off with how they pick stuff to besmirch our mothering abilities.
(((hugs)) remember, your winning.. he knows it,

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 29 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 6:30 p.m.
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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 30 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 6:47 p.m.
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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 31 of 33 in Discussion 
Sent: 26/09/2008 7:06 p.m.
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 Message 32 of 33 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameivyalmightySent: 26/09/2008 8:48 p.m.
re the washrags: soaking them in Clorox water, even diluted, doesn't sound like it falls under a daycare's Best Practices!
Regardless of N's complaints, why don't you keep a box of diaper wipes at daycare and ask that they wipe the kiddo down with those instead of a washrag? Tell them he has sensitive skin or whatever.. but that's a lot of chemicals for anyone, especially a 2-yo!
And that'll be two birds w/ one stone.. the little monkey will smell like a fresh diaper wipe instead of a kitchen sink (or fresh-scrubbed toilet, lol, i dunno w/ the Clorox) so N won't complain, AND he won't be swimming in chemicals!

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Sent: 28/09/2008 7:51 a.m.
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