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Divorce/Custody : I will probably be charged with Contempt soon
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameMy2Ks  (Original Message)Sent: 4/10/2008 8:05 p.m.
So, after all the back and forth reagarding my 12 year old's counselor I finally agreed to change.
Here is a little back story. Xnh agreed to DD's counselor, liked her. 6 months later my DD asked for a joint session with her dad and I. She confronted him on a lot of things. he was NOT happy. Then, he was threatening to take her out of the state and asked her counselor to tell the police I had agreed to it. (I had not). Her counselor said she would not get involved in legal issues.
He sent various e-mails saying my DD ahs Borderline Personality Disordoer (which HE diagnosed. Not her psyhchiatrist or counselor) and Parental Alienation Syndorme (again his diagnosis). That I was not getting her treated for it. Then he said DD would never "get better" with her current counselor b/c she does not trust her. (His words, not DD's)
We had a temporary custody hearing. He was awarded visitation (which was identical to the visitation I requested he have) and I have primary custody until trial in March. We we also order to have a Custody Evaluation.
During that hearing he asked the judge to order that I take her to another counselor as her counselor was "not neutral". The judge said he was not going to rule on that. We have Joint Legal Custody so if I cintinue to take her he has every right ot file contempt, and I have every right to defend that charge.
After he started to talk badly about the counselor to my daughter and put her in the middle of all of this I decided the best thing for HER at that point was to take her to a new counselor, and just make sure that counselor spoke with her previous counselor in order to understand where she was at in her therapy. I sent him a list of 70 counselors covered by medicaid. (She has primary insurance with ehr Dad and Medicaid as a secondary). He sent me 2 names off that list, which I agreed to one of them.
NOW, he is saying he needs ANOTHER choice from me to look at. His e-mail states that the counselor I agree dto (that he reccomended) seems to be a very qulaified professional, but that he needs to have more than one choice. WTH? So, after talking to my attorney, and DD not being in counseling (which she needs) for a month now I am going to make an appointment with the new counselor. He has stated he she no longer NEEDS counseling and I cannot take her to anyone without his permission and if I do he will file contempt.
I am hopeful that a judge, once he reads the MANY e-mails in which Xnh goes back and forth so many times, will see he is impossible to please, and that I am doing the only thing I can. I am PRAYING he will not find me in contempt. The same judge that will hear the contempt charge will be presiding over the custody trial...
Do you think he has a chance in getting a contempt ruling?

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameMy2KsSent: 5/10/2008 4:17 a.m.
Here is a copy of the e-mail I recieved:
Your right, the games are over.
1.  (Counselor) has already agreed that she will not see (DD) unless both of us are in agreement, so make all the appointments that you want, I will just cancel them.  I informed her already that you would probably attempt this.
2. There is no reason that (DD) needs to see a psychiatrist if she is not prescribed medication since she offers no counseling.  (Counselor) agreed with that as well.  My insurance will not pay for these services any longer.  You are continuing to take her against my wishes like always.
3.  If you will gladly screen another candidate as well, then we can make a much quicker decision.
Quit threatening me.  Either we take the time to make a strong decision or you get a court order.  Like I said, (Counselor) seemed very qualified, however, we need another option as well.  Technically, you cannot take (DD)  to a new counselor, or continue taking her to an unneeded psychiatrist without my permission, so start getting along and working towards a solution instead of threatening me.
    In case you can't tell, you are not the sole driver anymore.  You don't have the liberty to just say this will be, you have to work together with me.  I will take whatever action is necessary if you refuse to work this out with me.

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Sent: 5/10/2008 8:21 a.m.
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 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameMy2KsSent: 5/10/2008 8:44 p.m.
Sounds to me like N doesn't want the daughter in therapy because he knows that the Therapist's recommendation will hold weight.
You definitely hit the nail on the head there. And, he is also trying to show he is in control of this situation. I decided to take DD to the new counselor because I already told her I would be taking her to a new counselor, and the whole back and forth is just too much for her. I talked to my attorney and he said either make appt, with previous counselor, or the new one. Either way he WILL defend a contempt charge if one is filed. He also said with X's e-mails (Probably at least 20 just in regards to counseling) and his back and forth it is very apparent what he is doing, and if he files contempt it will more likely help us than hurt us....
He has already file 5 other contempt charges which were dismissed without even having a hearing...

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