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Divorce/Custody : child custody attorney in Boston,MA??
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: Mamaloo  (Original Message)Sent: 13/10/2008 5:43 a.m.
Hello All
I am a single mother fighting for child custody with an N who is an attorney. Can anyone recommend a top rate child custody attorney in the Boston area? I need an attorney who is experienced dealing with a narcissist and can put him and his god awful attorney in their place.
My infant daughter and I thank you for your help.

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamefemfreeSent: 13/10/2008 4:01 p.m.
Hi mamaloo
I would recommend you ask at your local women's shelter for names. They often have some recommended ones. Sorry I can't be of more specific help.
Here are some tips from our reads (scroll down a bit on the page)
I know it is difficult.
Please read our information on divorce/custody on the left. Lots of information there to help you.  Prepare a great parenting plan that will impress the court. Do not react to the accusations of your X, but rather, give him his head and let him go and hopefully the courts will see that he is more interested in attacking you than he is in custody of the child. Sit tight and hang on over  this bumpy part.
My X daughter in law was able to get a good result. The N strutted up and down demanding the child for every other weekend, long-weekends, all holidays, etc etc. She readily agreed to this saying that the N was an excellent father and she wished to co-operate with him fully in visition and custody. He looked great in front of everybody and his ego was soothed and his image was upheld. These are essential to interacting with a narcissist. When challenged they can become terrifying adversaries.
In real life however, he only say his children 5% of the time vs. the 25% of the time that he was given. - see more on our page on Avoiding the N's Rage - also on the left.
The best strategy for Targets of their Blame is to take a very Assertive Approach �?to quickly provide credible factual information to the court and to try to be as perfect as possible in every way during the court process.
SPLITTING �?Protecting Yourself While Divorcing a Borderline or Narcissist
by William A. Eddy, Attorney, Mediator and Clinical Social Worker

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nickname_flyingfree03_Sent: 14/10/2008 1:11 a.m.
Hi Mamaloo,
An atty N. What a nightmare! I sympathize.
Is there another atty in town who doesn't like your N and has a little extra incentive to win against him? (And also knows about Nism, hopefully.) I stumbled into that situation accidentally, and it probably helped. I wish I had some brilliant suggestion for you...
Best wishes,

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MamalooSent: 14/10/2008 2:02 a.m.
Hi Flying and Femfree
Thanks for your input and support.
My ex-N is an attorney but not a very good one ( although he thinks he is Perry Mason). He has an attorney that is an absolute beatch on wheels and has fallen for hiis act The last court date, I was made out to be a monster, litigious, unstable, etc. It's amazing that my ex is playing the victim and the martyr and thus far getting awat with it.
He went into a rage when I was 5 months pregnant, abandonded me and has been a complete dick since then. His ultimate goal is to destroy me and my reputation, contribute the absolute minimum and retain as much control as possible. And of course claim he is father of the year when he has only seen the baby a few times.
This a-hole has transferred property, liquidated his assets and is trying to look like a pauper. I was engaged to him and I know I nor the baby is entitled to touch his assets but he claims to have only earned 23k last year so the child support is $150 per week. Does this sound familiar to anyone else here?
Not only is he a complete a-hole but he is also a cheap bastard and he's getting away with it!
Sorry I swear like a longshoreman when I get riled up.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamePJ-GIRL-ISBACKSent: 15/10/2008 4:00 p.m.
Man... I hope your xn's attorney isn't my attorney.. Could you just indicate her first name only on the board..Thanks
PS by the way, I can probabaly keep up with you these days in the mouth department I feel sorry for only knows me when I m discussing ( cussing) my challeneges in my divorce..

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamefemfreeSent: 16/10/2008 4:57 p.m.
Hi Marmaloo.
The story is very familiar here.
This is what irresponsible men do. They hide assets and until you can prove this to the court they win.
Now, the fight shifts from the child to you.  And, if you keep going after the money, you both end up looking like you care about the $$ and not the child.

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamefemfreeSent: 16/10/2008 4:58 p.m.
What you need of course, is a lawyer. I hope you also have a good one. Get one.

(1 recommendation so far) Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MamalooSent: 16/10/2008 10:33 p.m.
Hi Femfree and PJ
I am trying to obtain a good lawyer to take on his dead beat dad representing pirranah of a lawyer. My attorney recently withdraw as counsel, no explanation other than he was "burned out". I fired my 1st attorney because she did not represent my child's or my interests and could give a hoot. I am not being unreasonable nor am I an unreasonable client! However, opposing counsel is painting me in broad stokes as unreasonable, litigious and unstable. I am a good mother and I am being absolutely punished for my mistake of being entangled with a N.

I have already spent $15,000 in legal fees and thus far the attorneys i have spoke to do not want to take on a case pending trial, or if they express interest they want a hefty retainer of $15,000- $20,000(!) I get the feeling that most family law attorneys think you should get what everyone else gets: shared holidays, every other weekend, Wednesday evenings, joint legal custody

I do not own my own home, I do not have health insurance, I have no retirement $ saved, I live with my sister and her family. I have some money in savings but it's not nearly 20k.
Right now I am the lamb before the slaughter..... I am physically and mentally exhausted. I am becoming more and more jaded and bitter by fighting with " the piece of sh*t the world revolves around" and I wonder if I will ever get any justice in the court system. My ex N, revels in the legal process and finds it all very entertaining.

The dead beat N wants to pay minimum child support, do the absolute minimum and have maximum control or rights. Does anyone else think $150 per week is ridiculous??!! This man is an attorney and owns 2 homes in affluent areas. Since our initial pretrial hearing he transferred ownership of one of his homes to a family member, and opened shared bank accounts with his brother.

Oh and here is the kicker, at our last court appearance he was not present. His attorney told the judge that her client joined the military and is away at boot camp. This man is 41 years old! She threatened to petition the court to lower his child support based on his current military salary. My motions to the court were not heard on this date and trial was set for January 09.

I know that many of you have experienced worse then this, and believe me I have not even told you the half of it. What should I do?

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