| (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 2 in Discussion |
| From: Mamaloo (Original Message) | Sent: 25/10/2008 4:10 a.m. |
Hello everyone i am seeking advice here. As you may know, i am embroiled in a child custody case with my ex-N attorney. He is, like all N's, a shallow, soulless bastard. He is trying to destroy my life.
I recently stumbled upon his previous ex-girlfriends e-mail address. She is also an attorney and a mother of a child ( not his). My question is, should I contact her and ask her if she found him to be psychologically disturbed? It seems kind of catty and undignified but I wonder if she could enlighten me or bring forth any further evidence of why he and I should not share legal custody of our child. When our relationship ended he expressed fear that I would contact her. Hmm........ |
2 of 2
| | From: femfree | Sent: 26/10/2008 6:00 p.m. |
HI mamaloo. If you cotnact her and the final decision is yours, don't mention the 'mentally'' topic. Just let her know that you and N have ended things and wondered if she and you might be able to talk. Having amental illness must be something diagnosed by a oprofessional, not just the opinions of the often=bitter X. |