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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameJustMeNMyDogsNow  (Original Message)Sent: 6/11/2008 8:22 p.m.
I'm getting close (I hope) to the end of my divorce, and I'm wondering how I would ever get the money, even if the judge awards me what I think she will.  I know wages can be garnished, but he "works for his sister".  He doesn't really; he has his own business, but has shown the court a "contract" he has with her, saying that he works for her.  So, even if the judge orders wage garnishment, I don't think she'll do it.  He has his million-dollar house (bought against court orders through a trust that he and his sister created) up for sale at an inflated price, so that it will never sell and he keeps control of the money.  And the building that we own with his sister is also for sale at an inflated price, which also will never sell, but they get to act like they're being cooperative, while still keeping control over all of the money. 
Does anyone have any idea how I would go about getting anything out of these two?

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameKitcat08Sent: 6/11/2008 9:34 p.m.
I assume there is a legal process, and that your lawyer would be able to advise you.  Atleast I'm hoping!

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipperSent: 7/11/2008 7:47 p.m.
Hi there, JM-N-MDN, I've been wondering how things are going for you.
I am not a lawyer, but know some things about digging out hidden info.
Property records of the million dollar house should be available online, shows date of purchase.
Trusts' created leave a paper-trail somewhere, that you should be able to ferret out. I'd start at the State Gov't website; and perhaps the County or state where the Trust was created.
The inflatedly-priced jointly owned property should be re-appraised, by YOU, if necessary - look up the property tax records online in the county where the property is located; check property tax appraisal for the "current market value" and print out all these documents to take into court with you.
That should help the Judge to see through the "fake" trust; his "fake" employment agreement/contract (great for YOU if THAT, too, is dated AFTER the Court Order), and his "fake" property values on the prop that's being sold. Show the purchase of the million-dollar home AFTER the court ordered NO BUYING OR SELLING.
Create a chain of irrefutable "evidence" that shows him and his sister as in cahoots, and trying to screw you out of what is rightly and rightfully YOURS, too.
I hope you are well, (wicked witch of the west voice: "and your little dogs, too!) -lol- and that these tidbits give you a place to start ... all that is hidden will come to light.

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