Shalom again,
I have a Thanksgiving story to share. I should tell you up front that this is not a happy story and in no way do I revel in this. However, I feel that it is important to share as something that can and does happen to an N. Sometimes, we all wish tragedy on those that have mistreated us, but for N's especially, I think that they have a tendency to bring tragedy upon themselves.
My ex-N's birthday was in November as was the b-day his favorite son.(He had two) During our on and off relationship, Thanksgiving always made him CRAZY, sullen, withdrawn, moody. He would complain about being alone yet he would abuse people who came to see him. Now he has one more reason to hate Thanksgiving...and his birthday.
His favorite son would live with him on a somewhat sporadic basis...the son would be there for a month or two, move out for about a year and then move back in. On several occasions while the son was living with his dad, physical 'knock-down-drag-'em-out fights' would occur between the N and his fave son. (If that was the way he treated his fave, I feel sorry for the other) Frequently, these tussels would land one or both in the emergency room with broken bones, nasty bruises, split lip, you name it.
Well, last year, I was visiting with my mom who lives down the street from the N. At about 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving night, I was outside with the dogs when I saw an ambulance pull up to the N's house. I ran back in to tell mom what I saw and she came out to look. I asked her "Do you think a fight broke out over who had the most to be thankful for this year?" To her credit, she tried not to laugh.
Only later did we learn that the reason the ambulance was there was because his son died of an accidental overdose on Thanksgiving night, two days after his 31st birthday and 3 days after the N's birthday. I know that the soul of that young man is in heaven now...having a parent like that was truly hell on earth.
Thanks for reading.