Thanks NF,
I stuck it out for four years. How pathetic. I was on to him after a few months, thanks to a girlfriend of mine (OW1 - was with her before me, but denied their relationship). I try to be away, I do my damndest. But we live in a small town - in Mexico - and it's too hard. He knows where I work, he lurks around my office. Knows all my haunts. I refuse to hibernate and hide. I finally am doing little things like sitting such that I can't see the entrance in restaurants/bars, took him off my email, don't keep cell phone handy (so I miss his calls - I do not return them!). Been through the pattern so many times. He gets enraged, he gets loving, he gets distant. Around and around. I fear I might have to leave my little town to get away. But I won't be run out, damn it!!!
And Poppy...yes! All the other women! That he denied flat out. Enraged when I called him on it. Turned it all around on me. Evidently, I was at fault! Go figure!
I am sad, angry, hopeful, relieved.