Hi C.
You wrote...
That morning she comes out of her room and tells me to call the agent and tell her that she does not want to look anymore.
Your response to this should be "No mom, it's your problem and I am not going to allow myself to get involved."
Game over - let her howl - and she will, but stick to your guns.
As she's howling, you can remind her that she was to leave in two months and, if she is unhappy at your home, she should find accommodation elsewhere.
You also write...
"I lost everything and am here were no one talks to me and all you do is take me to the doctors.
That's FOG - fear, obligation and guilt - see our page on bullyproofing yourself. Also, it's a statement, not a question so don't answer it. Learn to train your ears to distinguish questions/statements - don't respond to statements.
It's built in for them to howl and whine and play the victim role.
Can you say to her
"When are you leaving mom?"
that's a question.
If she starts up - tell her that the situation is not working and you need to know when she's leaving. Don't explain anything. Just tell her that the arrangement is not working for you and you need her to leave and get on with all our lives."
You will need to practice 1) not responding at all - don't take her bait 2) learning to say no with no explanations. Just some practice and the knowledge that she will kick her heels up (that's to be expected) and you stick to your guns. Backing down and changing your mind on this is very bad
Can you do this? If not, you'll always be her target.
"I love you mom, but I'm not gong to discuss this with you."
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
"Perhaps when you're not so upset we can talk about this later."