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N Relatives : N-mom called today vows to go to therapy and Landmark Forum- not holding breath
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameKoodra  (Original Message)Sent: 19/04/2008 7:59 a.m.
Dad called first and I hung on him at the notion of the entire family going to therapy - yeah so all 3 can safely gang up on me as usual? Go to hell!

N-mom calls back. After brutal questioning on my part she admits to being empty and weak and apologizes up and down. i said your apologies have no meaning - its just like a bunch of quacking ducks. You are a Narcissist - just wake up and admit it - you fit all the descriptions like a glove and 2 of my therapists have diagnosed you as having NPD.

You want meaningful relationships here? Then you MUST change your behavior over time consistently and reliably or just forget it.

She said she didn't know how to behave and that she felt small empty and meaningless on the inside. Self esteem in the toilet and that she is a coward and that she doesn't know what to do. I said yes you do, you just choose not to do it with me. You want me to accept being treated as sh*t. I won't. You see when people go to therapy they get better and the people who refuse it stay crazy and then the crazy ones wonder why there are relationship problems. that dam therapist wrecked it all for me - it is all their fault! No, Mom I doubted my sanity for 31 years and come to find out i am the sanest one in the family. THAT is what i cannot forgive you for. You knew all along that I was sane, you just warped and bent me to get what you wanted - a people pleaser and someone who would always give you attn. F that! you don't know me at all - never did, just tried to mold me into someone you wanted me to be.

I said you want to get better and have healthy relationships?

She says she will do anything.

Really? Anything?

Well then go get a good $100+ dollar an hour therapist you feel comfortable with, pay out of pocket and tell them that you don't know how to get along with your married adult daughters. That you don't understand boundaries. That you don't know where you end and they begin and don't know why they get so angry with you when all you are trying to do is make their lives better. That you feel compelled to reorganize the furniture in their houses, belittle and abuse them in front of their husbands, humiliate them, control them and tell them they are doing everything wrong. Tell them you don't know why that upsets them so much and that you want to know why so you can change that, have empathy as well as show dignity and respect for your daughters and their husbands. And to please explain why you feel the need to control everything even down to rearranging the order of their olive oil jars. Why are you so compelled to control? that you want to be able to "be out of control" not need to control anything.

I said when your behavior changes over time then I'll consider more contact and if it doesn't I'll sever it for good.

And also that the Landmark Forum is a great way to jump-start your therapy, but it isn't a replacement for it.

She said she would go to therapy for as long as it took. And goto the forum and that she was afraid of me. i said don't be afraid of me just show me respect. Realize that I have no use for you. you need me i don't need you. Any contact I have with you is a gift.

you are still alive - fix your sh*t while you still can or slit your wrists and get it over with. If you aren't facing your demons you are a waste of space. Now get on with it or get out of my face.

And i hung up.

It felt good. but only g-d knows if she will follow thru.

She admitted to a lot of stuff though including not giving a crap about my son but wanting desperately to see him. i said why? f you don't care about him then why? She said she didn't know and i said if you don't know then who should I ask?

Ad that you will never meet my son until you can answer that question.

lol we'll see where this goes but I ain't holding my breath.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamelotty467Sent: 20/04/2008 8:47 p.m.
It's fair been on my mind, your message, as for me it is a dread situation.
I hope it works for you, of course. From what you say it seems like there is some substancial shift to be given consideration, and as Colombo says, 'When a snowball begins to move, you push'.
But, when I think of the hell and trauma. I think that if I was put in your position I would insist on the therapy, as you have, but I would say that I would only accept the exchange of birthday and Christmas and mothers' day cards, and perhaps later letters. And I would state plainly that any attempt to develop this into face-to-face or mouth-to-ear, or any kind of subtle manipulation within the cards or letters, would be seen as manipulative control and would cause this last chance to cease for ever.
Anyway, all the best with it, and remember to think of taking care of yourself, as you are only human and have your limits of what you can cope with.
'.................Oh, er,....... I was just wondering if, er, Marm, I could just..... one thing I forgot to ask..............'

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