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N Relatives : Do you have this problem when going NC ?
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: sb4home  (Original Message)Sent: 13/05/2008 10:56 a.m.
We had to go NC with my in-laws and since doing that through no choice of our own, we have come to the problem of not being able to go to other family functions because some or all of them would most likely be there.
What they have done to us has us unable to even lay eyes on them much less be in the same space!!! It creates great anxiety in me just thinking about it. I just know it wouldn't do me or my health any good to try and brave it out.
I consider this another evil against us since it is a consequence from there original dysfunctional behavior towards us.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamefemfreeSent: 14/05/2008 5:04 p.m.
HI sb4home.
There is, at least for me, a form of detachment, so strong, that I can be totally separated from my N from hell stepson while sitting next to him talking to him.
I guess I've learned how to detach totally psychologically. Our families have neighbourhood, business, attachments going back almost 40years so it's likely that I'm going to run into him from time to time but there's no willing participation on my part, just situational.
I can give him that social smile and say I'm fine thanks - and you? and that's the only question I ever ask him. I can sidestep his landmine questions and remarks with the skilled easy that I've learned.
And then, that quick little look at my watch and then drift off to enjoy myself with other people.
You can do this too. Don't let the bastard do this to you. It just takes a little practice. And, soon, very soon, the N will avoid you like Typhoid Mary because he knows he can't rattle your cage. He knows you will never ask a question about him. He knows whatever he says you won't believe anway. He knows you won't give a rat's arse about him. And, if he smears you, you can pre-empt and outsmear him by making a display in front of other people that you've been wondering where he's been hiding himself and perhaps he can come and join you and your partner later?
He who angers you, controls you.
E. Kenney, Australian Nurse
"To defeat them, first we must understand them".
Elie Wiesel
"Nothing baffles the schemes of evil people
so much as the calm composure of great souls."
Gabriel Mirabeau

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