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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamefullstride07  (Original Message)Sent: 2/09/2008 9:03 p.m.
It's a moment I've been dreading for years.
I'm relocating back to the US at the end of the year and will need to pick up a bunch of boxes full of personal belongings in storage at my N father's house.
I know deep down that when I ask to get the boxes, it's going to come with horribly uncomforable, humiliating, dignity-robbing conditions, such as:
- Going to dinner with his friends and having him pretend he's been genuinely interested in my life and in contact with me the entire time (not at all) -
- Having him hurl humiliating, personal, degrading, condescending, dignity-robbing  comments at me in front of his friends and even strangers (seems to contradict the above, but also guaranteed. Go figure.)
- Listening to him talk about himself all the time - heavily peppered with lies , fantasies, and alcohol - and all in a condescending manner (guaranteed)...
- Dealing with complete lack of empathy and/or N rage when his friends aren't around. (guaranteed)...
- Getting treated like a horrible person who will never amount to anything (guaranteed)...
- Walking on eggshells the entire time (guaranteed)... 
All I want is to get my stuff, get the hell out of there as fast as I possibly can, and never communicate with him ever, ever again.
If only there were a way someone could pick up my stuff for me. The thing is, even if I send one single email, he's going to try and pry information out of me that he can use against me later on.
Or say how he needs to be there and so do I.
Or that he wants "the family" to all be together again (so he can have his N supply and hurl insults and lies to make himself feel superior)
And I don't want to hear one single word of it. I seriously don't want any contact at all. Ever again. None. But I need my stuff!
I've finally figured out what NPD is and know for a fact he's got a raging case of it and that he'll never, ever change right up until the day he dies, and I know the best thing for me and my sanity is to go 100% NC for the rest of my life.
That's what I've been doing the past few years and I know it's the best thing for me. It may not seem so from this message, but it's working. It's just that the thought of getting these boxes are bringing up some uncomfortable memories from the past that I haven't had to deal with in the past few years.
Getting these boxes really is the final step. It's almost symbolic in a strange way. 
One idea I came up with was to put on the biggest acting job of all time.
Just showering him with comments and praise and be his ultimate source of NS and all that... and then once I've got my stuff sorted, get in the U-Haul and leave skid marks and get the flying f*** out of there at breakneck speed before he flies into another rage and attacks my self-esteem yet once again.
I've got about a dozen boxes of stuff. Do you think the post office or a private mailing service would go there and pick it up for me? I just want to know the best way to deal with this... with the absolute minimal amount of contact or cruel manipulation in any way, shape, or form from him.
If any of you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.
I just want my stuff!!!

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameZlata2614Sent: 3/09/2008 1:26 p.m.

Hello Fullstride,

If you really want to go NC, this is how I would handle this situation.

First, I would not go there myself. I would evaluate do I really want the stuff, and do I really need the stuff. I would also be prepared not to receive all the boxes, weather on purpose your father would withold some or they with time might get displaced around the house.

I would talk to someone who will be able to just go and pick up the boxes, if there is a specified number, they could say that they are the ones to pick up specific # of boxes. If you are not sure how many are there, you would have to be prepared that your father will not be accounting for them all. For lot of obvious reasons. For example a mover ( if there are a lot), courier, or someone with a van, could do the job.

Then I would contact father, by phone and ask if he will be there for you to pick up your boxes, and would such and such time be convenient. I will not right away say WHO will be coming, ie who will be send.

If conversation starts to go in different direction, I would say that I have to go, and we will find a solution.

Then I would send a letter, here I don't believe it would be effective if it is from you, he might not respond. I would go to lawyer, draw up a letter before hand, asking for time to arrange a pick up, even better tell him the time, they will be there and if it is not convenient to offer another time slot.
I would not engage in anything other, but would remain civil.

I wish you the best.


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Sent: 11/09/2008 11:42 p.m.
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