Hi all,
I haven't been on this board for awhile, was on here while dealing with a divorce from an abusive N.
I'm back today, pondering that my Mother is an N too. Are they selective in who they act N towards?
My mother runs a daycare. She has babysat for my children as well as my brother and sisters.
Currently I have 2 toddlers and a job that I work varied shifts. I need a sitter sometimes during the day 2-3 times a week for just a couple hours until my DH can pick up the kids. She always acts like it is a huge pain in her butt to watch my kids. There have been times that I call her and ask if she can watch my kids and she will say no, because she doesn't feel well, so I go to check on her, and she has my sisters kids and my brothers kids, but yet couldn't watch mine.
I was to work today @ 11am. My mother was aware of this, and knew I was relying on her to babysit until 3. I called her at 9:30 am to let her know what time I would be there with the kids and she informs me she made a dentist appt. She says she could have went today or Monday. She chose today, because my brothers wife works on Monday, and she didn't want to leave her without a sitter. For the record my brother is a bum and doesn't do a thing, he piddles around in his garage all day, so he could have watched his children. I on the other hand have no one to watch my children. So I have to call into work. WTH??
I have another sister, who is up my Mothers butt 99% of the time, and she feels like she has to represent my mother, so when I talk to her on the phone she says that I should be understanding of my brothers wifes job and how important it is to them.
Thinking they are both Ns! Seriously considering going NC. They only call me when they need something, and I have had it.
I would understand maybe if my mother called me after she made the appt, or something, but if I hadn't called I wouldn't have even known.
I have considered going NC with them before, however I start feeling they are family and maybe I should focus more on our relationship, but at this point, it is painfully clear, it is only about them, and what they want.
Femfree, what do you think? |