As you all probably know by now, the MSN groups are closing in February. As was recently posted, we have found a new forum location that we feel will serve our needs with many new features we hope you enjoy. Those include the ability to edit, fun emoticons, different graphics capabilities, avatars, a search feature so that you can find posts based on topics of interest, and many more. In addition, because of how the forum is structured, it is possible for all of our related N and P forums to now be in one convenient place.
We have finished unpacking the boxes and straightening the shelves at the new place. Your managers are very pleased to announce that it is now officially ready for the housewarming.
Please join us. We will be closing the doors on the MSN forums shortly, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible. The new forum is can be found at:
Just some tips for signup. The forum home is at Runboard. Runboard is similar to MSN in that it is a community of forums. When you sign up for a free account at runboard, you will be able to join any of the groups there if you wish, just as you could at MSN. The difference is, the only thing you have to do to join our forum once you're a member at Runboard is simply enter your first post on our forum. The Discussion Boards are in their own section which you will see when you click on the above link. That's where you post. You can read the board without posting as well, but membership is only activated with your first post.
When you sign up, be sure to be discrete in the information you provide. You do not have to fill out the real name, address, or personal information, and in the interest of your own safety, obviously you should not. If you should fill in something that you later wished you hadn't, you can change it by editing your profile, but it's best to use caution when you first sign up.
The signup itself is not difficult. Please note that you will be sent an email once you sign up for a runboard account that contains a link to activate your membership.
We will answer any questions you might have about posting once you're a member. We will also offer some tips for selecting your personal preferences for the board. We hope the transition can be as smooth as possible for everyone.
For now, all you need to do is sign up, activate your account, and post your first post on the forum. There will be some things that seem different and it will take some time to get familiar with it, but we hope you like the new format as much as we do.
Your Managers