The last concilor that my family went to, (My dad agreed to go to prove that he was the normal one and so my mom wouldn't leave him) told my sister and me that my dad had NPD--she didn't believe him even though she's the psych major.
Growing up my dad would be concerned if we were sick,although he did a lot of splitting with my mom and sister. I cried one day on the way to DayCare he got so upset that he turned the car around and took me to my grandmother. But, almost every other symptom is there. He talks and talks and talks to the point that you feel held hostage. If you try to leave he gets angry because you are interupting him or don't care. He is just awful to be around because he requires an audience constantly. If he doesn't get his way, he makes you feel guilty, yells, calls you a tramp or a slut, starts quoating scriptures and tells you how you will burn in hell--he is a part time minister. He decided he had to move in with me and my amily and it was like living in hell. My husband hardly came home because it was so terrible. My dad got mad and moved out after 9 months. It has been 2 years and insists he is movin back in with me, my 2 children, my mom who can't stand him and has had a stroke and my nephew who is goin to college. I put my foot down and told him NO! He screamed, yelled and told me what an awful daughter I was. He told people at churc. They said they didn't believe it but he is now preachin most of the time. My kids are active there and love the people there--Is my dad N? Bipolar or just mean? HELP!