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 Message 16 of 16 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamelotty467  in response to Message 1Sent: 24/11/2008 11:44 a.m.
Geoffrey and Nonda.    I hear exactly what you are saying. We are all singing from the same hymn sheet. I hope we will thrash it all out on the other site. All the responses on this thread have confirmed my own personal feelings about what an N is.
I would like us to take this  idea further. For me, the N and the stupidity is all part of a greater thing: the N in modern society. Sociologists and psychologists are aware of this, and  some thories actively encourage it because dimwits casing after a golden carrot which they can never get enough of is just what they want of many citizens. So to discuss it in full makes me feel like a dissident, which I'm not. Selfishness is promoted as a way of life in the same way that military deterents are promoted by world powers in order to promote peace. It is no secret. I have heard such theories on tv.
But the N is stupid, but this needs defining. I could go to a hotel with an N and let them have first pick of a room (us each having our own room), and the N would go for the room with posh windows, not realising that the room is direct onto a busy main road, whereas the other room at the back with the plain windows is peaceful and quite. The N needs to be taught what to look for, rather than having the faculties to make clever choice off the cuff, in a situation not before encountered. I believe the N does not have this ability. If they do something clever it is only because of having been taught that, not having thought it out for themselves. And so they are always trying to give the illusion that they can think for themselves, or get out of the way of someone who can see that they are frauds. All very interesting.
I'll print out your responses and have a good read of them. Cheers, Lotty.

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