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Anything Goes : I want a turn to drive the N crazy!
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameLost-i  (Original Message)Sent: 5/09/2008 3:49 p.m.
I'm tired of all the bs that we put up with - even getting healthy and not allowing the behavior to hurt us, our lives, family, children.  The 'lil devil on my shoulder wants to be just as bad to him and when those thoughts go in my head ... I think I'm crazy.  Have you ever gotten the e-mails where they say go into Walmart and set all the alarm clocks to go off and see what happens.... things like that ... just for fun.  No one gets hurt - this is just fun.  Why then when the narcissistic in our lives, make me want to actually act out these crazy thoughts ....... the only thing that stops is - I don't understand what he does to me - so I have no idea what to 'really' do to him.  Then the circle comes back around ... I take the high road ... pray ... and live my life until he thinks he wants to negatively effect it ... and if he trys - I hope - I have the strength at that moment to handle it the way I should.

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamegoingnorth2Sent: 7/09/2008 12:44 a.m.
That's where I am, Lost.  Hoping that when the moment comes, I'll say what God would have me say, in kindness.  Rather than, " . . . and the horse you rode in on!" 

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamewatchingtheheavensSent: 14/09/2008 3:06 p.m.
Lost I know how you feel.I still work with my xn I keep contact to a minimum at all times.I only talk to him when I have to because of the job,anyway he had this dog that he kept telling me that he was going to take her out and put a bullet in her brain because she was chewing everything up..great guy huh? This past mother's day he told me that his dog had gotten out and had gotten ran over and killed.That he got a call and had to go get the dog..Now that was the story he told me..he told a coworker the truth that he gave the dog to his girlfriend and she let it get away..I hate to say it but it serves him right..when he was telling me about it he was starting to tear up and me being the kind hearted person I am said well you should be happy now you don't have to kill her.The hurt in his eyes were wonderful..last I heard the other woman is out don't know how true he is a gifted liar after all and really don't care..point be they do get what is coming to them sooner or later..The last thing I told him when I had decided to finally break lose was there is such a thing as karma and what goes around comes around..I believe his is coming hang in there as others have said God takes care of everything...leave it to God and move on..just because you don't see anything bad happening to him doesn't mean there is not things happening...

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: AmaniSent: 23/09/2008 3:17 a.m.
I have a master key to his car which he thinks he lost.  I was thinking of driving by the house around 3am and hitting the panic button on the key. Then disarming the alarm and driving off.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameaplsauce03Sent: 23/09/2008 3:29 a.m.
THAT'S GREAT!!!!! Do it, Amani

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamekusar1nash1Sent: 23/09/2008 2:42 p.m.
The only way to drive an N crazy is to ignore them.

All attention...negative or positive will be used by them as supply. They simply do not have enough of an emotional investment in this world to truly be bothered by things that would drive us crazy. I do have to admit... I used to do things to try to drive my xn crazy... but it only ratcheted up the tension and that was to her benefit.

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
Sent: 24/09/2008 1:25 a.m.
This message has been deleted by the author.

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamebellandgieaSent: 11/10/2008 5:51 a.m.
Sounds like a good idea, but the first thing I thought when reading the thread title was they are already crazy. 

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