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General : Poem: Finding My Voice
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamekyrajames  (Original Message)Sent: 28/10/2008 3:40 p.m.
Voiceless and silent
my larynx choked
I forced a word
and mustered nothing
but a strangled cry
no coherrance
and no connection to me
I lived
only hearing others
their voices insistent
seemingly stronger
I was not worthy of my voice
I cannot cohabit in my head
with others
this body and voice
is my own
I found myself become stronger
I found my voice
and my own story
and the strength within myself
My voice no longer falters
or fails
mine is distinct
and loud
I can shout above the din
of a crowd
I realise now that my voice
was always my own
I just forgot to own it
I wrote this this morning, and I hope it makes people think about their own voices, strengths and rights. They all count as a collective- as part of our voice.
We are all strong, guys. We all have a voice, and IT IS and ALWAYS WILL BE STRONGER than our abuser. Don't ever forget it.
When they hoover, DO NOT let yours falter.
11,000 voices are one here- we are all examples of survival and strength.
(((Hugs to all)))
Lots of Love, Love Kyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamelil_sexy_devil_02Sent: 28/10/2008 4:02 p.m.
Kyra this poem brought tears to my eyes. It is true that these N's robbed us of our voices but thanks to this message board I finally found mine and it grows stronger and louder each day that I am free of the N. Thank you for posting this.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: AffectionatedragonSent: 29/10/2008 2:53 a.m.
Thank you for posting. I too had no voice. I have one now, but hope it will become strong enough one day to say "I never want to see your face, or hear your voice, ever again. You made your choice, be gone from my life forever."
I'll probably throw a few "F" words in there knowing my potty mouth, but that's basically the meat of what I want to say.

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