My xn's mother was deceased when he and I met. From what I have been told, by the n and his family, she suffered with Bipolar Disorder with episodes of paranoid delusions.
The father was hard-core P. Abandoned the family quite often while having children with OW, never once sending any money towards support to the n's mother...forcing her to work 2, sometimes 3 jobs to feed the 4 kids. The father was also an alcoholic, a mean one at that. When he did decide to come home, it was always in the middle of the night, would kick open the door, and go into a drunken rampage against the whole family. Would physically abuse the mother while the kids hid in the closet from him. N told me he use to ask God to make him "bigger" so he could defend his mother and siblings from the abusive father. Wonderful childhood, huh?
The older sister is cold, just seems void of any feelings. Nothing warm about her at all. Speaks with a monotone voice and shows absolutely nothing that resembles emotions.
The older brother died about 5 years ago from an overdose. From what I understand, he was the opposite of the eldest sister...his emotions runneth over! Supposedly, he had a big heart and would help others where he could. But he got strung out on alcohol and drugs (especially drugs) which led to his demise.
The youngest sister is an absolute mess!!! She has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and is a hard-core alcoholic. And like her father, she turns mean when she drinks. Gets violent, verbally abusive and basically out of control. She cuts on herself, over-eats, and extremely manipulative and vindictive.
And of course, there's the xn. Lord, where do I start with that! So, as you can see, the entire family is completely dysfunctional. Sometimes I wonder which is more accurate...that N/P Disorder is inherited by a gene from the parent, or...N/P is bread through a dysfunctional family/environment.
Which came first..the chicken or the egg? Guess we'll never really know for sure. The only thing that is certain is the evil this disorder unleashes on the world.