Oh Boy, oh boy, this is awfully similar to my brother, business, family, demands after he spend family money. I have all the sympathy for you, and i will share with you some of my thoughts. I short, years back we got into family business. My brother made a mess out of it, and didn't let go out of his hands until we were deep in debts, and bank wanted him out. He seems to have his own story, his own interpretation of everything, events, law, economy, in one word he is a KNOW ALL. Then he disapeared for 8 years, and came back to "collect as we had to invest and stabilize business. In no time he was gone, as we didn't play into his games. I do have NM , by my own diagnosis, who had neglected him as , my father have emphasized making money, money, my btorher became occupied with it, but without actually being able to accumulate it, just spend, spend...
I am now NC with my NM for 2 years and she had befriended him. she uses him and he feels that he was cheated out of something but is not aware of N situations.
So, I honestly don't think my brother is an N, there are few characteristics but not enough. As you pointed out, entitlement is a big one. As a matter of fact I Googled Sociopath for my brother and clicked on Narcissistic , just to find in amazement IT was MY mother.
To make story short, my brother's marriage once, everything was mortgaged was gone, and they had to declare bankruptcy. We had to go trough a lot, lawyers, to separate from him, and partnership. We had some similar threats, so I suggest you talk to a lawyer, make sure have clean and clear papers, and don't succomb to blackmail. I feel that my brother never grew up, and I bear no bad feeling for him, ( as he came years after requesting HIS money), I see that he is sick, somehow very damaged, with no skills to repair. I did accepted him back, few years ago, but I noticed that he was playing games with me, trying to pressure me to give him money, a lot of money. He easily becomes frustrated when he doesn't get what he wants, so I just kept calm, and "understanding". In frustration he was gone.
I hope there was something to help, without loading you too much with my stuff. Take care, Zlata |