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Divorce/Custody : Court on Wednesday August 13
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipper  (Original Message)Sent: 11/08/2008 6:45 p.m.
Hi everyone,
Well after 2+ years of this custody thing dragging on, we are supposed to have our final hearing on the 13th.
Please pray for us: the GAL has recommended "dad's
 (our) home as being in the best interests of the child. He's also going against the state standard, since the half siblings will be separated in this process.
The other boy (S13) seems worried that he'll never see his "baby brother" again - and we're not like that. We've only prohibited his coming down for visits because he's likely to run home and tell his mom "whatever" he thinks she wants to hear, rather than just enjoying his time with us. Plus he's had a very bad habit in the past: he'd walk across the country to tell a lie, when the truth would serve him better, so to forestall ANY "double-dealing" we cut off visits from him, to avert any further difficulties.
We are looking forward"I find custody for the father, and yes, you can go pick him up today...!" - it would be ideal.
I am so looking forward to the end of this matter - after all the custody question is the ONLY thing that's been holding up my guy's divorce...
I will be so glad to see the situation reversed - AND her paying support , since we've paid every month ON TIME for the past two years, and yet she would like more. We don't need it (and it's a bargaining chip in our favor) and it will be nice to see "just how MUCH she loves her son" (since every time she's here to pick him up, she starts complaining about having NO MONEY!!!!!!  lol  - (semi-gloat)
There are lots of other details to be worked out - her refi of the car loan for the one she's driving, that she be ON TIME for pick up - and that she be HOME at the exact time we are supposed to pick him up. She has a BAD HABIT of making us wait for "her majesty's arrival" when we have plans for after the S7 IS picked up.
This group has been such an inspiration to me, full of great ideas.
Please hold us in your thoughts on Wed the 13th - thanks!
Will post update after court on this same thread.
Much care and concern for e1 dealing with an Nmay you all find the advice and inspiration YOU need herein.

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameTrinity38100Sent: 12/08/2008 3:33 p.m.
Please keep us posted on the hearing and how it turns out.  It sounds, from your post, as though you are going into this with the upper hand and she easily reveals her instablity?  I think disordered people have such a hard time in court as no one tolerates their games...
My thoughts and prayers are with you for tomorrow for the best possible outcome. 

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameTrinity38100Sent: 14/08/2008 2:51 a.m.
Just wondering how things went today BMOGS 

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipperSent: 17/08/2008 9:25 p.m.
Trinity, thank you,
Well the day before, the GAL sent a fax (after deadline of noon Monday) saying that nothing should be changed.
First question is: The GAL's job is finished, so he should have had NO ADDITIONAL INPUT, particularly regarding legal strategy. My brain was itching for 2 days after - knowing something wasn't right, but not being able to put my finger on it. A friend who's dealt "pro se" with this same judge told us that the GAL does NOT get to dictate to the judge ANY strategy, and *lightbulb moment* - that was what had been bugging me....the GAL recommended the child is better at the father's (us).
But the Judge DOES take allegations of drug use in their home very seriously: so he laid out the parameters: her partner gets to take a "voluntary" UA with gas chromatograph analysis. Now one or more of four things can happen.
  1. He refuses - is deemed guilty - child gets moved back home with us.
  2. He takes it and is POSITIVE - he's guilty, the child moves home to us.
  3. He takes it and is negative - then we put in a motion for a hair test, which is more telling. He's got hair down to his butt, so that should reveal his history and what drugs he's done in the past.
  4. He's got what's termed "meth mouth" - google pix to see what that looks like. YUCKYYY

We go back on the 27th to receive the results of the drug test. She will not be allowed to claim she didn't get it in time.

She claimed in court that he hasn't done drugs for 5 years - however I have a screen print of him on his BLOG requesting a friend to 'hook "US" up with some 'shrooms" - dated 6-16-2006 - so she LIED AND it was for "US" meaning BOTH of them....looks bad all the way around for her.

None of her family has submitted statements on her behalf. the only three she's submitted include two from co-workers, who had not, back at that time, seen her parent, and had only known her for 6 months at the most. The other is from her first husband, to which we responded with a copy of HIS "LAUNDRY LIST OF COMPLAINTS" about her lack of parenting 10 years ago - to which we counter: was he lying THEN or is he lying now thus negating his blah blah totally. AND all 15 of our supporters submitting statements, they ALL confirm the things HE formerly said. She hasn't changed.

Along with all the others that we have, including people who've known my guy for 10 to 25 years, we've got his mother's as well as his two adult daughters' statements about how badly she treated him,how she mistreated BOTH boys, and how she dumped ALL child care duties on my guy, refusing to "do" anything for the boys, or around the house. How she moved her boyfriend into my guy's house, into his bedroom and was having sex with the guy - until I urged my guy to put a stop to it and kick the guy out...which he did.


The GAL recommended the FATHER (my guy) as the parent better able to meet the S7's needs.  And she's just pathetically grasping at straws trying to delay the proceedings. So our lawyer is in the process of drafting two motions: hair test for her "boy toy" and to set aside the GALs last fax due to untimely submission, as well as overstepping the bounds of his role in this - his recommend has already been made - he has NO FURTHER SAY in the matter, legally and strategically.

I see that she's "drowning" and I just wanna throw her a cement block or an anchor.  What she's trying to do is keep the MEGA child support coming in from US, until she can get the OTHER kid's support increased, and that hearing's not until Nov 7th - but the GAL told her 16 months ago to "git er done" - she stubbornly refused, until the GAL's recommend came in and it became clear to her that it's REALLY happening that she's losing the younger son. She LIKES to play games HER way.... and yet, somehow is NOT very successful or "street-smart" about ANYTHING....

So it's been continued yet again - til the 27th - at which time I'll update this thread.


Thank you for your prayers and concern - I appreciate the support. 



 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameLost-iSent: 7/09/2008 9:21 p.m.
I have my own custody fight going on ... and very interested in yours and how court was ?  Did it get continued AGAIN ... mine has been ... again and again and again ... :(

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipperSent: 14/09/2008 5:51 a.m.
TY Lost-i
yes it was continued - AND the galling incident that topped it off with a cherry - OUR lawyer (lyer) filed the order stating in part that "'the motion to adopt the GAL's report is denied" - no signature of judge on OUR copy - but of all the a$$hat moves !!! And he's supposedly on OUR side.
I wa slistening CAREFULLY - in fact SO carefully that my ears were flappin' up a breeze rivalling IKE, and I NEVER heard the judge say motion denied. So why did our atty put that phrase in the "order?" AND...we found out that our atty was talking on the phone to O/P - totally against the since she's an N - she was totally trying to manipulate him...we're interviewing another atty on Monday, one who's BEEN a GAL, one who IS a judge pro tem in dist court in neighboring county - a SHARK! since our current atty not only billed us $1200+ for the past months' hearings - he wants another IF!!!!! If there's a new retainer paid it's not going to be to HIM - he mispronounces his client's name, will NOT counter any false statement by the O/P, basically he shows up and mumbles thru a statement, referring to his notes, acting TOTALLY unfamiliar with our case....a real "DUH!"
I'll keep ya posted - our next hearing is 9-17 at 9 am and we hope to have new atty come in on this - if not, we'll postpone for another week, so he can get familiar with the salient points of our case.
BTW the 7 yo has already been having trouble in his new class; blurting out in class, not waiting his turn and poking other kids - really AGGRO - so we'll take these e-mails fromn his new teacher to the new atty and prove that he's NOT in a supportive environment - hopefully the danged judge will "get it" this time - she's NOT an atentive parent - the GAL has said as much in his report - according to the info he has, and plugging it into the WA state RCW's - he wholeheartedly recommended the father (my guy) as best able to meet the needs of the child. Let's see what this new atty can do in promoting OUR side, pointing out the best interests of the child, and convincing the judge that the GAL recommend is properly made and that the judge needs to follow the LAW, rather than being suckered by a mealy-mouthed, soft spoken manipulator. Since our old atty is being manipulated by the O/P, we really need a steel-toed booted, stileeto up his sleeve street fighter, in order to GET THIS DONE! woot
GB and TY for your thoughts and concerns...I appreciate it and will update Wed. after court.

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameLost-iSent: 21/09/2008 10:51 p.m.
Stay strong ... How did Wednesday go?  Sometimes I just can't believe what happens in court!  My trial is off for a bit ... but one never knows ... will the N want to settle before then ... NEVER

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameBoughtMyOWNGlassSlipperSent: 26/09/2008 4:05 p.m.
TY Lost-i,
The judge denied our 'Motion to adopt the report of the Guardian' - AND according to our atty, it was the "new PARENTING PLAN" submitted WITH it, which was the dealbreaker.
In the regular 7:15 pm ph call to S7 last night:
MINE: Hi, S7 name
S7: (sobbing and distressed) "Huhha huhha hi dad..." (breath catches indrawing)
MINE: what's the matter, you sound sad?
S7: My mom just hit me, in my APPENDIX....
STBXNW (in bkgnd) "I hit you on yer butt"
MINE: hello?       hello?    hello?    hellOOOOH?
(rattle rattle rattle - CLICK - bzzzzzzzzzzz)
YUP the phone call was terminated on HER end, because S7 was talking to his Dad about her having hit him - soooo, "whatcha gonna DO??? whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"
We looked up the after hours ph number to their local precinct - called them - gave them info about how this is a custody battle, that CUSTODY has NOT been decided, that S7 just said that his mom hit him in his appendix (since our court record contains along laundry list of HER slugging MY guy - twice broke his ribs, threw a basketball in his face another time and broke his glasses, on his FACE, etc) - that we were concerned for the child's safety; gave them their addy, description details on both parties, plus our contact info.
S7 called back while we were on ph with cops - he left us a voice mail - we saved that... ("Maybe it didn't happen, or at least not how I remember it"- click) - then S7 called back, saying to check the VM - AFTER we got off ph with cops and they were already on their way to HER place.
About 7:55 pm (S7 "allegedly" has an 8 pm bedtime) - S7 calls back - we're both trying to emphasize to him the IMPORTANCE of telling the truth! (without telling him that the cops were on their way....!)
About 8:15 cop calls and says it was "just a spanking and parents do have the right to hit their kids" - <<<< LAW ENFORCEMENT??? riiiiight...we've read the RCW's and we know what the LAW says - butt-spanking IS allowed - slugging in the stomach is NOT...!
The cop didn't say if they'd TALKED to the S7, however. I'm sure her mealy-mouthed, soft spoken, wouldn't-say-sh!t-if-her-mouth-WAS-full-of-it" Narcissist - played it off as "just a was only a spanking...."
We thanked them for their prompt response - at least it IS on the record NOW that they've been called to HER place to investigate ... which even if "unfounded," in the police report, she has now admitted to hitting him.
(This would be laughable, since SHE, after her big old BLOG RANT about me, accusing me of hitting her kids:

"IT IS NOT OKAY FOR HER (meaning me) to EVER hit MY kids"
[NO??? but apparently it's ok for YOU to SLUG whoever PISSES you off for whatever reason...!]
This she ranted on for (LIES of a pathological LIAR!!!!) about three pages, attributing said source of information to the EX-BF she had formerly HAD LIVING in this marital home the year before, staying with HER in the MASTER bedroom, sleeping with her in the bed her HUSBAND bought!
Her ex-bf came for a visit HERE, for ONE NIGHT, since he was going to be a camp-counsellor at a week-long school camp at the end of her OTHER (S11) kids' school year.
He saw NOTHING of the sort here, everything was COOL when he was here. He even complimented me on my housekeeping ("Whoa, I can walk thru the living room...!  AND.....the BATHROOM is SO CLEAN!!!! "), my org-skills ("my gawd, even the storage containers are organized! I can ACTUALLY find stuff in these cupboards - and it's organized by kitchen task and FLOW!")  and cooking (may I have some of the leftovers tonight to take on the camping trip...?) !!!!
He talked with her *briefly* that same night during the boys' nightly ph call TO their mother - and I could overhear him backpedalling and OBVIOUSLY NOT wanting to go see her at her new place in ___WA Metropolitan area___ - he was all "reason after reason, this excuse  and  that excuse " and obviously SOOOOOo NOT wanting to go up there...she had already had her "next mark" living with her for three or four months at that time...he was DONE with her, but had committed to this camp-counsellor thing in January (for a June 06 weeklong camp)  just after she'd left HERE and BEFORE she got her "next mark" moved in with her.
And that is just ONE of the 10,000 things she's pulled in the past 2.5 years...going on three...!
So - our next step - is to get the papers filled out and filed, requesting the Settlement Conference (THAT'LL be an exercise in futility, except for maybe ordering her to get the car we're paying for refi's in her name and I happen to know that her credit is maxxed out!) - which should happen in 6 to 8 weeks; then AFTER the SC, we can schedule the TRIAL - our County has a glaring shortage of judges and it could be calendared anywhere from 6 months to a full year away; AND even THEN, it is subject to getting BUMPED from the calendar for Criminal cases...BER!
Anyhow - just wanted to update, rant, entertain - since I'd be losing my flippin' mind, if I didn't....!
Thanks all for your prayers and support - i/we appreciate it....

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