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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameAnnoyingTotsie  (Original Message)Sent: 24/11/2008 3:00 a.m.
Four years I have gone around and around with this man.  He has thrown me out, I have moved out and yet everytime he calls I melt and return, enough already!!!  Chest pains, yes!, I have had them, physical manisfestations of stress hits me as well. I left this man, spent 5 weeks without him and began to grow, went out one night and there he was crying, begging for me to return and I did, now 6 months later he told me to pack my stuff and leave (for a minor irration), so I left.  Now he calls me and tells me it is all my fault, I am crazy...I should have stood and fought with him, but no! I moved back into my own place. Can one man drive you crazy??, Am I crazy?.  I am so confused. He messes with my mind and makes me feel that it is always me.  I am reaching the point of suicide, I can't live with him, but I can't live without him, pleas help me.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameWhatjusthappened0Sent: 24/11/2008 3:12 a.m.
You're not crazy. You're in a crazy making situation.
You should have could have would have. Act now. Take back your power.
My suggestion is to follow up on the growing thing permanently and let the mind bender go mess with another's head.
I'm talking strong beause I'm really at the hate and anger stage, but, you are not alone. I laid in our bed many nights wishing I never woke up again. I refuse to waste me on such a loser and forgo what God has in store for me.
Right now it's hard to see, just have faith and lean on us.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameboudunnSent: 24/11/2008 4:28 a.m.
Oh, yeah! One man certainly can drive you crazy! I went through the same crap for 5 years with the n. Moved in, moved out, then back in, then out again, so many times I lost count. We were off and on at his whim, and he told me the same thing, that I should have stayed and fought it out. No thanks. It all ended when I finally said "NO MORE". It won't end until you end it. I've been NC for over a year, but, guess who still tries to bait me every so often. Not a chance I'd go back for more. It's abuse, plain and simple. Get out and stay out, if you ever want to have any peace. If you're not ready to end it yet, at least put your stuff in storage so you won't be moving it back and forth. Travel light until you've had enough! Hope it's soon, for your sake.

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