I'm just adding this in here to prove the point I guess!
xN met his first wife whilst he was in the navy - they only spent a total of 6 weeks in each other's company before he asked her to marry him. They spent 12 years together. Then he came out of that relationship and dated most women round here by the sounds of it. Then the next relationship he had lasted two years and she went off with his best mate after complaining he was aggressive and that he scared her. Then he dragged me into his insane little world, bought a house together after 2 months, but only managed 18 months before I thought enough is enough and called the police. They all seem the same. The first relationship seems to last the longest. Then as they grow older they must get worse I guess and their relationships get shorter and more tempestuous.
It must be crazy being them. I mean I look at the xN. He's still living in the same small town as me. He has cut off anyone who would question him about his behaviour. He still believes in his weird twisted way that he did nothing wrong. How will he move on from here?? We have all the same mutual friends, a lot of who know what he did, or will have heard rumours. He can't exactly show up with a new gf in front of me because he's knows I would try to warn them. How do they deal with the devastation they leave behind?
This time he knows it's not all just going to go away like before.