Rayanne- have you changed your number?
If you can, to feel the full effect of total NC, then cut him off completely with email, and your phone, make sure he cannot call you at all.
Myself, I was really massively relieved to change my phone number, to know that the p could not mess with us anymore, and that there was not a chance he would contact again. I have, in my time here, also read of quite a few members that have felt this relief- of being able to move on uninterrupted in their own healing.
You have made a choice, Ray. You made a choice to find out about NPD, and you are coming to terms with what he is- and also as to what he did to you. You have made a conscious decision to avoid the n- I am just here to tell you that there are options that can aid you further in your healing.
While the n is still calling you and being spoken to, you are still connected. He is still trying to play the triangulation game with you.
But you can put an end to this.
The next time the n calls, he can get a "This number is no longer in service" message. And your email will just be sent back to him. And then, right there with those actions, you are saying "I'm done. It's over, I am not going to be used by you anymore."
This is you, taking your power back.
The choice is yours, but it can make things alot easier.
Lots of Love, Love Kyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx