Controversial illusionist, David Blane is the special guest tonight at the famous Oxford Union Debating Chamber. Born in Brooklyn on the 4th April 1973, it was his mother who initially encourgaed him to try magic tricks and at 4 years old he was taken to his first trick shop.
In 1997 he had his own TV special and some of his tricks have included staying frozen in a block of ice for over 6 hours, being buried alive for 7 days, standing 34 hours on a column and probably his most oddest of stunts being suspending over the River Thames in London is a glass casket.
After his trick for journalists a while back, where he appeared to cut off his own ear, all the press tonight are a bit apprehensive of what trick he may or may not pull. For once, he appears 'normal' and just discusses his past. I am relieved, as after eating not long ago would probably not have been too good if blood was drawn again!