UK Celebrity Events .......... .......... Glynis Barber Pix courtesy GJH Swaine Photography The Mill Theatre FIRST UK THEATRE TO PRODUCE GREEN POWER
Today is a very special day for The Mill Theatre at Sonning Common, it will celebrate the completion of it's own hydro-electricity. One of the actresses who has performed there Glynis Barber of Dempsey and Makepeace fame helps to open the Mill, the new scheme will not only generate enough electricity for the theatres numerous lights but also for the restaurant, bars, ovens, as well as backstage, dressing rooms and many offices.
An anticipated excess of the green electricity generated by the harnessing of natural energy from the mill will also be sold to the National Grid. The Mill has been at Sonning since the 11th century and I am sure they would have been proud to see how well it has progressed. Not only does the theatre produce entertainment it produces something which can contribute to the environment. G P Graphics courtesy of PeppermintPattie |