I read an article the other day that disturbed me. Now, I can’t tell you where I read about this, because it’s top secret and if I told you, I’d have to come over your house and threaten you with bodily harm if you told anyone else, so any how�?/FONT>
What I learned was that because most meteors burn up in the atmosphere and float down to Earth as dust, (cosmic dust if you will), the weight of the Earth increases by 27 tons a day. 27 tons a day!! Holy shnikey, that’s almost 10,000 tons a years. Wow, and I thought just Americans had a weight problem!
Anyway, this really concerns me and may I tell you why? Well, listen anyhow.
Here’s a question for you science types, is there such a thing as a cosmic buoyancy balance in space? If there is we just might have a problem here, I mean, what happens when Earth finally gets too much dust-fat? And gets these huge cosmic love handles around the Equator? Will all this excess weight finally cause the Earth, (and all us innocent Earthers), to drop to the bottom of our gravitational pull, (AKA; the Sun), like a rock in a pool? Only, instead of drowning, would we be merely fuel for the solar fire? Man, talk about the fires of Hell!
Or, would the Sun’s gravitational pull be unable to hold us in place anymore and we would be hurled into space, helter-skelter, like a billiard ball during a wild break shot, causing the rest of our universe to come apart in it’s, fragile, seams? Scary. What would happen to us? What would happen to the rest of the planets?
Wow? A Sun without planets; without a race of people to admire and enjoy it; No one to marvel at the stars, or the Moon, lighted by the Suns Rays; worse yet, no Moon! Nothing for the lovers to sigh to�?no lovers!
I don’t know about the rest of you but I think it’s about time we put this fat old blue ball on a diet!
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