I once heard it said, that history is written by the winner. Well, I suppose that’s true�?some times. At other times, though, I think history is written for someone’s agenda, it has to fit into somebody’s little box of ideals for whatever reason. There is always some reason to have history in a certain way, even if it isn’t necessarily the true story of events.
What the hell am I talking about you ask? Okay, glad you inquired because I’m going to tell you.
Let’s take a look at, for example, Constantine I. Constantine was a Roman Emperor somewhere around the beginning of the fourth century. Sometime after 324 AD�?(CE? Well, whatever they call it now), he adopted the Christian God and embraced Christianity. Now, that was all fine and good but what about the majority of his subjects that were pagans?
Well, in an effort to placate his constituents he merged the two religions as best he could. For example, Christmas, December 25, was the pagan holiday celebrating the sun god’s birthday. (Most Christian churches believe that Jesus was actually born in the fall, not the winter.) Hmmm. A political agenda?
Moving right along, let’s have a go at Paul Revere.
“LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear. Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere…�?/EM>
Now hold on just a minute there Longfellow. If I remember my obscure history right, Paul Revere started that ride then got his butt arrested and spent a few days in the pokey. And, I believe, that two other gentlemen, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott, actually finished the call to arms in his stead. So, let’s rewrite that little poem, shall we;
“Listen my children and you shall hear. Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott�?"
Hmm, doesn’t seem work too well, does it? Okay, poetic agenda?
Speaking of Revere. There was this common belief, I seem to remember, that he was the one who carved those famous wooden-teeth used by good old George Washington. Well, I’m sure you don’t still believe that, in case you do though�?I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but�?First of all, they weren’t wooden; they were carved from the finest hippopotamus ivory and gold. (There were also two sets.) Dr. John Greenwood, a prominent American dentist at the time, made them. Uh huh! A humorous agenda?
As for the rest of our presidents, did you realize that they were all born on the second Monday of February? (I wonder if Nancy Hanks Lincoln knows about this?) I see, a holiday agenda?
Bringing this subject up to date, how about Dale Earnhardt? (Senior, not junior.) Sacred ground you say? Give me a minute now; I’m not going to ruin his reputation. It’s just that I was watching NASCAR a few weeks ago and they were talking about his successes as a driver and yes, The Intimidator was awesome. Then they went on to say that he tied with Richard Petty on the trophy count for Nextel Cup Championships?!?! Funny, I thought he had seven “Winston�?Cup Championships! A commercial agenda?
All in all, it just amazes me that some people can, completely, fabricate a historical event and the rest of the world is left, and gullible enough, to believe it.
Hmmm�?“Honey! Do you remember�?�?/FONT>