Now, black holes have been described to me this way; “A black hole is a concentration of mass great enough that the force of gravity prevents anything past its event horizon from escaping it except through quantum tunneling behavior (known as Hawking Radiation). The gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity past its event horizon exceeds the speed of light. This implies that nothing, not even light, inside the event horizon can escape its gravity. It is, however, theorized that wormholes can let one exit a black hole. The term "black hole" is widespread, even though it does not refer to a hole in the usual sense, but rather a region of space from which nothing can return.
“The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying X-ray emission from X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei.�?/EM>
What the hell...!?
Alrighty then, simply put�?“A black hole, in physics, is an object with sufficient density that the force of gravity prevents anything from escaping from it except through quantum tunneling behavior�?/EM>
Now wait just a darned minute, Chester. The last time I checked manned space travel�?personed space travel? Peopled?... Whatever, we only made it as far as the moon, so my guess is that Hawking, Einstein and the rest of the physicists, space scientists and what have you, have never been to a black hole to dip their thermometer in�?uhm, well you know what I mean. What I’m really trying to say here is this, these are all theories, right? I mean no one has ever been up close and personal with this anomaly so how would they know what it is? I don’t think they do, it’s just an educated guess or theories.
Well, I have a theory of my own. (You were waiting for this huh?)
Let’s call it the “Creationist Black Hole Theory�?
Warning! Warning! Atheists do not read beyond this point! You will be offended.
Now that I have that politically correct statement out of the way, I’ll continue.
I say it goes this way. The mysterious, seemingly empty voids in space, known as black holes, were put there by design. They’re meant to be part of our vast space, they were the first “things�?out there. And.. no, we are not supposed to see what’s in there. That for now, is to remain a mystery. Why you ask? Quite simple, that’s where Heaven is. After all, Heaven has to be somewhere, right?
Angels come and go as they please, (they travel faster than the speed of light, that’s why you can’t really see them most of the time.) God holds court there, Jesus is there and Muhammad is there. Abraham�?all those great people are there. It's a nice place to be. See? Nothing complicated about it. Why do scientists always have to overdo things? Surely they must realize, that sometimes the answer is quite simple. Don’t they?
I know what you’re thinking now; they said that there is more than one black hole out there. Well, the Devil you say. Oh certainly you remember the Devil don’t you? I spoke of her before, that blond haired, blue-eyed foxy lady that wears blue jeans and a wet T-shirt. Yup, she could lead a guy straight to Hell all right. Well, Hell is out there too you know.
There are probably so many people that go to Heaven and Hell that there are probably a few sub-divisions out there; that’s what the quantum tunneling, (worm holes), are for. There are wormholes between the Heaven and the Hell sections as well, but good old Saint Peter keeps a pretty close watch on the Hell’s Gate, you can look, you just can’t travel through.
Well, that’s my theory and I'm sticking to it!