Switch... As a musician, what kind of music impresses you? Are you into messages, sound dance music... what?
Chris... The music that impresses me the most is the kind that just makes me feel blown away, happy, and most of all want to bang my head!! If its got a good melody, great chugging guitars, and a cool guitar solo I will ususally go for it. Obviously bands like AC/DC, G'N'R, Aerosmith, Motley, and Kiss, all come into that category.
The first time I heard Motley Crue , I was in Tower Records on Sunset Strip in LA. I put on the new 'Tattoo' album and the solo on 'Punched in the Teeth by Love' literally punched me in the teeth!! Mick Mars is the best member of Motley Crue!!
Forget Nikki Sixx!! Cock Rock just makes me an over-excited kid, which I love being!!
For the rare occasions when I dont want to listen to Rock, I usually go for old Soul, like Motown, Michael Jackson and various film soundtracks like the Twin Peaks soundtrack, which is soothing and strange at the same time!
The first time I heard Motley Crue was when I was in Tower Records on Sunset Strip in LA. I put on the New Tattoo album and the solo came on 'Punched in the teeth by love' It literally punched me in the teeth!! Mick Mars is the best member of Motley Crue. Forget Nikki Sixx! Cock Rock just makes me an over-excited kid, which I love being!!
For the rare occasions, when I dont want to listen to Rock, I usually go for old soul, like Motown and Michael Jackson. I also dig various film soundtracks like the Twin Peaks which is soothing and strange at the same time!
Switch... Who writes your original songs? Are they from your personal experiences or takes on a similar experience by another artist.
Chris... Myself (the Tramp) Andy Law (singer) and Sleaze (other Guitarist) write our songs. I write music and Lyrics, as do the other guys on different tracks. Personal experiences are definitely in songs like 'Just Bring It On' which i wrote about every person thats pissed me off!
'Saviour' was written about girlfriends, 'Set in Stone' and 'In my Dreams' about wanting a girlfriend and the others are basically about having a good time and wanting to get laid!! Which again, is from personal experience! You have to live it to understand itand thus - write about it. Our music in a nutshell is about fun, love, lust and what ever you want it to be for yourself!
Switch...Run us thru a recording session so we can get an idea how you do it.
Chris... Well, We record at a place called Prism Recording Studios in Stoke in the UK, great Producer Shaun Lowe who has worked with Chris Rea, The Specials and done Sound for Elton John. We all jam together to get the Drum track laid down, then record the Bass on its own, The rhythm guitars Tramp and Sleaze lay down at the same time, Solo's come next along with any other overdubs, followed by Lead Vocals and then Backing Vocals.
There is always alot of opinions flying around which inevitably leads to delays and arguments!! But in the end, it all turns out good!
Switch... Good lyrics that flow and mesh with the music must be difficult to write. Any of your group compatible toward that end.
Chris...I'd say Andy Law has been the perfect partner, because his melodies are always bang on and so dependable. A song can be totally transformed by his melodies, which in turn inspire lyrics and hooks. So yeah, I'd say Our Singer Andy Law is a great lyricist and easy to work with.
Switch... As a musician, who do you consider to be a great lyricist?
Chris...I'd say, Steven Tyler - Clever innuendos, great slang and awesome attitude! Axl Rose - again, great attitude, brilliant use of anger - (Get in the Ring, Back off bitch, Dont Damn me and Its so easy are all great examples) Bon Scott- sleazy! Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons - pure fun!
Switch... Ever play around with the style of your songs, just to see what you could come up with?
Chris... Yeah, we have done Bluesier versions of some of our songs on acoustic guitar, Like 'Perfect Drug' which was slower and we changed the melodies slightly, pretty funny to hear actually!
Switch... What do you think about artist that use their music to do movies or commercials? You think they're selling out or does the tune stay on the public mind easier.
Chris... Yeah we'd love to do soundtrack stuff. As far as Tv commercials go, it would have to be for the right product. It would be a bit of a sell-out to do some cheesy advert. I'd love to hear one of our songs on a Tampon or Thrush advert!!
We have actually got the oppurtunity to get some of stuff onto soundtracks. The Guys who signed 'HIM' and 'The Hives' are signing us to a Publishing Deal. They are expanding their new company into TV and Film and want to submit our stuff. So yeah, I do think it's a good idea, but only when used in the right way...
Switch... Who writes your original songs? Are they from your personal experiences or takes on a similar experience by another artist.
Chris... Myself (the Tramp) Andy Law (singer) and Sleaze (other Guitarist) write our songs. I write music and Lyrics, as do the other guys on different tracks. Personal experiences are definitely in songs like 'Just Bring It On' which i wrote about every person thats pissed me off!
'Saviour' was written about girlfriends, 'Set in Stone' and 'In my Dreams' about wanting a girlfriend and the others are basically about having a good time and wanting to get laid!! Which again, is from personal experience! You have to live it to understand itand thus - write about it. Our music in a nutshell is about fun, love, lust and what ever you want it to be for yourself!
Switch...Run us thru a recording session so we can get an idea how you do it.
Chris... Well, we record at a place called Prism Recording Studios in Stoke. (UK) Producer Shaun Lowe who has worked with Chris Rea, The Specials and done sound for Elton John. Great producer. We all jam together to get the drum track laid down, then record the Bass on its own. The rhythm guitars, Tramp and Sleaze lay down at the same time. Solo's come next, along with any other overdubs, followed by lead vocals and then backing vocals. There is always alot of opinions flying around which inevitably leads to delays and arguments!! But in the end, it all turns out good!
Switch... Good lyrics that flow and mesh with the music must be difficult to write. Any of your group compatible toward that end.
Chris...I'd say Andy Law has been the perfect partner, because his melodies are always bang on and so dependable. A song can be totally transformed by his melodies, which in turn inspire lyrics and hooks. So yeah, I'd say Our Singer Andy Law is a great lyricist and easy to work with.
Switch... Who do you consider to be a great lyricist?
Chris...Id say, Steven Tyler - Clever innuendos, great slang and awesome attitude! Axl Rose - again, great attitude, brilliant use of anger - (Get in the Ring, Back off bitch, Dont Damn me and Its so easy are all great examples) Bon Scott- sleazy! Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons - pure fun!
Switch... Ever play around with the style of your songs, just to see what you could come up with?
Chris... Yeah, we have done Bluesier versions of some of our songs on acoustic guitar, Like 'Perfect Drug' which was slower and we changed the melodies slightly, pretty funny to hear actually!
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