Taken from a PSP group message board.
Not saying which, to protect the ... erm... innocent.
Put this on a background of money,
in case HipBoots takes up dancing.
by: SwitchGears
co editor of Key Note News
'The Saga of HipBoots'
About that boot on my head... I've been asked so much how it got there, decided to shed my inhibitions and tell. You're not gonna laugh, are you? lol
Here's how it happened... I was minding my own business and doing a special dance for a lovely PSP lady. Nothing personal you understand, just my own special way of saying thanks, for helping me out with some graphics for my group. (lol)
I was really into it and she was digging it. All of a sudden... I hear this roar, "I'm gonna kick your a**" Actually it was more like the bellow of a bee stung bull!!.. AND.. there stands hubby! Big as a barn!! And hopping mad.
Not being into the finer things of life like PSP and probably having never touched a computer in his life... of course, he got the wrong idea.
I knew my number was up and closed my eyes, so I couldn't see it coming! I waited for the pain, but it never came. However, when I opened my eyes ... I couldn't see a thing!!! .. I felt around on my face and couldn't find my nose.!.. THEN ... horror of horrors, I felt a foot sticking out from the top of my head.
I knew it must have been a powerful kick, to have come out there...LOL.. As big and mad as he was... I'm kinda scared to take it off.
Here's my little dance ladies. As you can see... perfectly innocent
p.s. don't let your better half see this...LOL
Ode to HipBoots
Friend of the Boot man and member of WSAM
Ah�?yes that it is him with a boot on his head
He is easy to spot in a crowd
His voice but a whisper in galvanized shroud
He must be a hoot this man with a boot
But dance I say nah�?how would he know his way
Nor dine with fork, or drink from a flute
The very odd man who hops with one boot
I say can there be athletes head?
For this I would think he would surely dread
So I shall close knowing full well
That with a boot on his head
This poem about him will never be read.
Chevy & HipBoots
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