| | From: KIMBO958 (Original Message) | Sent: 23/11/2008 2:32 p.m. |
I fell for it. Again. Please help me. I need to start NC now.Again.After five months of doing it. How good he lies. The chest pains are starting. I cant stop crying. The D&D is starting. I cant do this alone. |
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You are not alone!!!! I might recommend you also post at the new site - I think more and more people are focusing on that one rather than here. You slipped - it's ok. Trust you have the strength to stay away from greater pain, the pain of being with an N. I've slipped my fair share of times, and although it seems to hurt a little less each time, I KNOW the only way is NC. Let your body go through what it's feeling...use that pain to remind yourself what life with the N is all about. Pain. Pure and simple. Make a list of the things that were so painful to you...keep it with you, refer to it often. Hang in there! We're here for you! Read read read here...it helps me so much. |
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Look, Kimbo, you've only done what we've all done, and we know exactly how you feel. We've been through it, many of us have gotten beyond it, and you can too. It feels like absolute shit for you right now--I get it!!!--but you NEED to start right back where you left off, NOW, and begin to regain your strength. You don't have a choice, unless you want to live in hell for the rest of your life, and you DON"T want to do that. Take a deep breath, say a prayer (if that's something you do), drag yourself off the floor, take a shower, go outside, and resolve NEVER to break NC again no matter what.... You can do this. If I could, you can, trust me trust me trust me trust me. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| (1 recommendation so far) | Message 4 of 9 in Discussion |
Gosh, I feel sorry for you because it is all so fresh but at some point you have to take control of the situation and decide that you have had enough. Hopefully, this is it. |
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Hey you dipped - instead of beating yourself up for it - use it for validation - yes he is that horrible - every single " bad " thought feeling you have had about him is based in reality
Come up with a catch phrase ----
Mine was NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED - my goodness got me clobbered - because I had goodness in me very absent in him
I typed out this saying in various fonts and put it everywhere to remind me that my good deed would indeed be punished by his abusive behavior For a bit his name was even GOOD DEED in my phone before I got the courage to delete and change
You have done NC for months - you will again but find the phrase the word the slogan that will instantly serve as a rational warning to your overloaded emotional brain -
You can do this
NC for me over two years on the last one and over twenty years on the first one - Yeah had multiples They are all gone now and the last chapters of my life are much better and different than the ones at the beginning 0
You can do this
Choose you - everytime choose you over him
he got your attention to reel you back in - not next time - okay - before you know it NC is the habit not playing with the wingnut .
| | From: KIMBO958 | Sent: 24/11/2008 1:30 a.m. |
Thanks to all of you. I was so strong before. I will do this again. If it kills me. |
| 0 recommendations | Message 7 of 9 in Discussion |
| | Sent: 24/11/2008 2:47 a.m. |
This message has been deleted due to termination of membership. |
| 0 recommendations | Message 8 of 9 in Discussion |
| | Sent: 25/11/2008 7:01 p.m. |
This message has been deleted by the author. |
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Forgive me if I seem insensitive, but I've been reading how you've gone back a few times recently, PLEASE STOP DOING THAT TO YOURSELF.
I KNOW it hurts, I KNOW how hard it is, but YOU KNOW BETTER!!!! I could sit here and rub your back and tell you it'll all be ok, but that doesn't help, you still went back again. Take control of your life and GO NC AND STAY THERE! He can only do it if you let him! |
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