Thank you so much for your posting. I just saw it this minute. Wish I had you in my life to giggle at the N antics! Maybe you could start an "N Cookbook", Nut Salad included!
I had to give up my little doggies because I have to sell the house because of the divorce, and the dogs kept getting out, even after trying four different fences. With two of them, there was just so much more dirt and fur and dishevelment that I couldn't keep up with because I am ill. So, I gave up one, but then the other missed the first one so much that I felt too selfish keeping him, so I took him to be with his sister. I'm sure I made the right decision for them, but it was hard to do. Once I get settled somewhere (if the house ever sells), I plan on getting a therapy dog to train and take around to hospitals and such.
Yes, you're right about my kids--I'm trying to look at it that way. This is still pretty new for them and my son is having a hard time dealing with it, I know. My daughter wants to be with her dad and doesn't want to be with me at all, won't return emails or answer her cell or answer voicemail messages or texts. I can only wait for time to pass. There was no anger or anything said or done between us that could've caused this, so the only conclusion I can come to is that she must be hearing awful things about me from their dad. Well, I know for a fact that he told them both that I've got a serious drinking problem (I don't) and a serious shopping problem (not this, either), but he told his lawyer this and the judge this, so he must've told the kids this, too. Anyway, all I can do is wait for them to grow up and understand. I have a life-threatening disease, though, and I'm afraid of dying before reconciling with them. Well, I guess God will sort it all out.
Thank you sooooo much for caring. Best wishes to you!