sexy devil..right on.. I have had a patternt with N's . This one lasted for 8 months. Same ol same all realing me in with his charm etc. He aslo has a child in which he displays I would say for a long time amotional abuse..profuse language and anger problems. The last episode where he througha dart into his lady flatmates head who he had sex with and probably did while he was with me etc etc. He displayed this behaviour and others in front of his 9 years old. It was his birthday. I have sine reported him to child safety and he has lost all rights to his son, who has become desentitized by his BS. I am still angry as yes they seem to find nice women which they will use until they can'y stand it anymore. I am not good at NC as I have sent some nasty text messages or the truth. I am livid with anger and hurt. However NC i know is the only way as I am still giving him ATTENTION! peace |