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N Relatives : Having to contact an N when parent dies
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: laughingdragons  (Original Message)Sent: 9/07/2008 11:21 p.m.
My dad passed away in late May and have had no contact with Nsis for a few 4 years before this.
The day my dad passed I couldn't even get myself to call her my younger sister called and told her. I have talked to her 3-4 times since to let her know what is going on. She lives in OR and I live in CA. She didn't come out for his services saying her daughter had some things going on. Which didn't bother me none.
When talking to her she is sickeningly sweet and crying it feels fake to me, but I could be wrong.
I just called her one more time to make sure she got a package I sent her. She goes on about how her daughters don't have any more grandparents even though our mom is still alive and a stepdad. Then goes on about how they still have a greatgrandma that sends them gifts for their bday and such.
I didn't say anything about that becausse I know she doesn't see why none of us here (mom,stepdad, younger sis and I) contact her. I know she did not treat my dad that great when he was alive and she has to deal with that. She would put him down and belittled him because he managed a bar. My dad was a simple man with a simple life, but he was happy and that is all that mattered to me.
I know I won't call her when my mom passes or anyone else here for that matter. I have only done what I have done for my dad. I know he would have wanted that. For some reason my dad excepted the way she was and the way she treated him, but did not know how (or believed) she treated the rest of us. My dad would call me and tell me somethings about my mom that were not true or happened 20 years ago (small things that I have gotten over years ago). I would always have to tell him there is 2 sides to every story and to not believe everything she says.
Last year he did tell her he did not want to call and have her talk about us. Don't know what she had said to him for him to tell her that. Of course he called me after her and said the same thing. Although I reminded him I never brought her up in our conversations. He said I know just wanted to let me know the same thing that he told her. He seemed upset so I don't know if she said something about me because I know he would not have stood for that.
Anyways when I got off the phone with her today I said (to myself) I will never call her again. Everytime I have called her I've dreaded it and have stalled it off for days. I have more stuff to send her, but I'm not going to call her when I do send it. I will use delivery confirmation to know when/if she gets it.
I guess there is no point to this post I just needed to get this off my chest and thought this was the perfect place. I miss my dad so very much we were really close and talked to each other several times a week.
I am back to no contact with her.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknamefemfreeSent: 13/07/2008 2:02 p.m.
Hi Jeanette. You got through this difficult time very well. So sorry about your loss. Losing a father is very difficult and your sis's reaction are just awful but sadly, very typically N.
I just know you are going to be able to handle any needed future contact with your learned N-busting skills.
Well done!

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameAlamobelle3Sent: 14/07/2008 1:41 p.m.

Its hard - my sister and I managed to not talk to our N brother after the death of our mother . He lied to nursing home funeral director and in an email to me all within a few hours of her death/ It certainly reinforced that nothing changes . We have been NC for two years he and my sister 4 years .

I expect him to contact me again about " the arrangements "
I fully intend to lie to him and tell him its already
been done if I am forced to respond . There is no way I will allow him to put on the disgusting display again that he performed when our dad passed 3 years ago .

Anyone who really cared about her would have never done
the things he has .

Go NC and forget feeling guilty about it - they are toxic
and their big show of hurt feelings is a performance
You deserve freedom from their manlipulations lies
and inappropriate remarks and behavior

Dont worry what she is saying - only fools believe them

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: laughingdragonsSent: 15/07/2008 7:35 a.m.
Thanks femfree and Alamobelle3!
I am so glad the contact is over it didn't make things better for me while dealing with my dads death. Which I was in charge of dealing with his burial. I was his only family here most of his family live in IN so I was the only one to do it.
Fortunately my mom and boyfriend helped me tremendously. I could not have done it without them.
It still amazes me how an N can treat family. They have no feelings what so ever.
The day I figured out what was wrong with her it hit me like a ton of bricks. Thinking about how she was in the past. I was completely speechless.
Alamobelle3 so sorry about your mom and dad!

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknameww672Sent: 22/07/2008 9:28 p.m.
Hello laughingdragons
I lost my dad this Jan. - on New Year's Day - sudden, massive, heart attack - i had no chance to say goodbye really - but had a very good relationship with him - & even closer these past few years due to the craziness surrounding my mother and brother.  Prior to this, other than Christmas Day, i had not seen or spoken to my mother or brother in 4 mos.  (well, longer for my brother).  That nite in the emergency room was quite challenging besides the natural level of pain of losing my dad. 
My "education" - or enlightenment i guess you could call it, with narcissim began about 4 years ago through a series of events where my brother's lifestyle was exposed.  A very broken woman he was involved with then, began to unload information about him to me.  He is 7 years older than i and we've never been close.  I would've described him as arrogant, distant, condescending & un-approachable then.  I supppose those adjectives still fit, but i no longer see him as smarter or more "together" than me these days.  I see him as quite weak and twisted as well.  After repeated instruction to call instead of e-mail me, he still doesn't pick up the phone.  I have not seen him since the memorial service on Jan. 5th and really, glad that i haven't.
My mother is another story -
Prior to that summer 4 years ago i would have described our relationship as quite strong - close - honest, truthful and loving.  Even fun. 
There is practically nothing fun about her now.  Of course she's not as vibrant now in her mid-70's, but the lack of vibrance is not what zaps the fun.  Sadly, I've learned that she's just about as much a narc as he is.  It's harder for me to see it in her though.  I don't know if that's cause it hurts much more cause she's my mother, or because he's a guy and i can more readily see narc traits in guys.  I'm not sure.  She has hurt me to the core in a betrayal sort of way and she's the last one to know it.   Although she still acts in hurtful ways, the pain is not as sharp.  After my dad's death, i feel like i was catapulted into her life again.  I had a bumpy ride with her prior to his death;  sometimes not speaking to her for mos. at a time;  struggling to process what was going on when she was becoming blind to the circus-like events that were going on with my brother and this manipulative, train-wreck of a woman.    I missed out on seeing more of my dad these past few years cause of not wanting to be in her presence.  When he died, i felt somewhat forced to deal with her.  She can be quite melo-dramatic and emotional and "sensitive" & it tends to hook me.  My heart strings have naturally gotten tugged seeing her lose her 54-year marriage partner.  I get upset with myself and have blue days from feeling like i'm not dodging the hooks well enough.  It's tough.  I'm her only daughter and my brother doesn't really give a rip about her - - he just pretends too so he won't look like the self-centered pig that he is. 
Towards the end of this week, it'll be a month since i've spoken to her - - the longest since he died.  I'm struggling with it.  But i'm also hanging back cause she treats me with such passive-aggression.  I feel that i've gracefully reached out to her in kindness since we lost daddy and she still acts like an a$$*%^& to me. 
The latest bump is this e-mail i've gotten from my N brother - a manipulative testing-of-the-waters with me to see how i'm going to act if there's a hurricane evacution.  (i live in the Katrina area) He wants me (& my husband) to drive her up to where he lives 10 hr's from here.  I always get the hives when he contacts me for any reason cause i have virtually no trust with him.  He's the most deceitful person i know and he's also so twisted he'll insult you one minute, then make a joke about it the other.  (Typical for narcs i've learned).  Plus, when he e-mails me i know it's cause he can calculate every word in it and if i let it, it would quickly become a tit-for-tat debate.  He's so sick he'll send e-mails back & forth for weeks if you play into it.  He thrives on debate.  He's always treated me like he's superior to me - - - & still operates in that mode.   The changes & the healing that i've experianced don't matter to him.  He sees me and others as beneath him.  
I told her we'll put her on a plane.
Thankfully, besides 2 responses, he hasn't started with the e-mail torture this time around.  But i NEVER trust him. 
So - good for you and good for me that these narc siblings live miles away -
just wish i could pack up my mother in a crate and send her "no return address" !!!
thanks for listening

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: laughingdragonsSent: 27/07/2008 10:49 a.m.
Wow to have to deal with more than one would do me in for sure.
So glad you are trying to get back to normal. So sorry about your dad!
I think it would be worse having a mom as an N over a sibling. Just thinking of my mom as one and I know it would bother me more than a sibling.
He's always treated me like he's superior to me - - - & still operates in that mode.   He sees me and others as beneath him.
Yep that is my sister also!   She even treated my dad that way so sad since he was the only one seeing her after awhile.
Although I'm not 100% sure what she did to him one christmas when he flew there for. All I had heard was that he was starting to pack to leave (shortly after getting there) and my BIL talked him out of it.
She did tell my mom before he left to go there that he was being inconsiderate of coming up x-mas eve and putting her out of her way and was going to tell him so. My mom told her "you've got to be kidding. He is flying up to see you and your going to say that!".
I'm assuming she did and who knows what else knowing my dad he had to have taken a lot for him to start packing up to leave. He had told me before he left that he was going to see her and the grandkids every other christmas and hoped I understood. I told him of course I understand.
Well he went one other christmas and never went back. He was the kind of man that he didn't talk about things that happened to him. So I never found out what she did.
Man it feels good getting some of this out!
At least this second time around I am letting my anger and resentment go faster.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: laughingdragonsSent: 27/07/2008 10:56 a.m.
oh and share your thoughts or seems to help with the healing....I know it has for me....

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