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General : N found a new source of NSupply
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameWhatjusthappened0  (Original Message)Sent: 29/10/2008 7:42 p.m.
Oh brother............N just informed me that he's now a member of the patriot guard riders. Poor saps, don't have a clue that he's using them. I'm sure it's a great cause, but, I have no doubt the N is really not interested in the cause, he's just feeding off of the group.
I think they ride to funerals of fallen veterans and I know they get letters of appreciation from the families of such, media coverage, so yeah, good source for N. This is why he's been blowing off DD every weekend come to find out.
I guess I would rather him sponge off of these people than me. Just sad how they can take something so good and use it all for themselves..........he was so proud to drop that info in the email discussing trick/treating with DD. I ignored it.......I thought go get your pats on the back elsewhere........I know who you are and I'm not impressed with your new membership.

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameSPSIIISent: 29/10/2008 8:17 p.m.
An N will take anything they can as NS and leech onto it for dear life. I saw my exN do this with women and men. It only took a matter of weeks before people just got sick of him. He has only one friend and hell he's bipolar so he only comes around when he's not on his own rollercoaster. LOL

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameWhatjusthappened0Sent: 29/10/2008 9:04 p.m.
Well, it's just sickening. I'm not saying he doesn't care about our service people who lose their lives in duty, but I don't think he's volunteered for this because of such. I mean, my Dad was in the service and passed in Dec and N called him a POChit right before I left him. The rat also told me the night I locked all the doors that he loved to kill people.....YIKES!
I could be wrong, but I don't see his involvment as sincere. Really creeps me out the level an N will go to obtain attention.
Any others have contributions of the lengths their N or XN's went to get NSupply?

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameTrudy185Sent: 30/10/2008 6:30 a.m.
This is a "shy" and cerebral N:

Continuously leaving copies of an award-winning presentation he gave LAST SPRING in the white paper recycle bin, which people go thru all the time when they want to find useable scrap paper.

I would never have believed that possible, except he also leaves out things for people (esp me) to find. Such as a copy of awards he has received....

ANYTHING that causes you to think about him for just a moment, even just trying to find a piece of reuseable scrap paper, will make his day.

I know it sounds far fetched, but I believe he does this.

Pretty wild, huh.

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: chattymitchieSent: 30/10/2008 9:25 a.m.
my xN is part of a jousting group - he's 42 and all the others are about 25 .....
GUess which part he plays?  THE BLACK KNIGHT.  That should have been a red flag!!
Anyway - the group goes round the country to shows and he entertains his adoring fans ... it's so important to him, he wouldn't miss a jousting show for anything!  It's his best supply of NS.

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN NicknameWhatjusthappened0Sent: 30/10/2008 12:26 p.m.
Oh I believe the recycle bin story.........
Another one.......XN had his picture taken with Cheryl Crow in Bosnia in the army when she visited. THAT is the picture he hung at work and never would take pictures of US, his work!!
Takes pictures of our cars, motorcyle... and sends them to his military buddies in chat. Granted they are nice cars, and he said you should send copies to your online friends. I said no way......that's being a braggart and I thought to myself how bizarre these people must think he is....
OMG.......just remembered this one!! Okay, we've both done geneology searches. So there's some website where you can find famous people you are related to once you populate some info..........that's all the man talked about for weeks......he's related to this person.....Clinton etc........I can't remember them all. It was like one millionth cousin and stuff, but you would have thought the XN was royalty the way he carried on and on about it. That kick lasted for a long time, now he's moved on to the motorcycle group and he's dressing totally different.
Anyone else notice them cycling in their interests (obsessions) and totally changing themselves in short time frames? A sharp dressed business guy is now in long sleeve black Tshirts, jeans, big boots and belts and HD caps everytime I see him now.....
Weird stuff.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamelil_sexy_devil_02Sent: 30/10/2008 12:58 p.m.
The ex N was a member of NA (narcotics annon) for over 16 years. Most people would leave the group after they were clean for a couple of years. I never could figure this out until I learned about NPD. The N was getting huge amounts of NS acting as the knight in shining armour swooping in to help all the newbies.

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